ecuador是什么意思 ecuador在线中文翻译

Ecuador 英 ['ekwədɔ:(r)] 美 ['ekwədɔ:r]

Ecuador 词典解释


Ecuador 网络解释

  1. 厄瓜多
  2. 厄瓜多尔共和国
    ...: 厄瓜多尔共和国(Ecuador) 秘鲁共和国(Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç...

Ecuador 双语例句

  1. One of Wimmy's friends who is from Ecuador wanted to have T-shirts designed with Chinese charactors. I designed four styles for his family. After that, I choose and made two of them as our lover's T-shirts.杏一作品 Creative works in Medfirst Healthcare Services, Inc.
  2. I have visited China, Turkey, India, Botswana, Vietnam, Fiji, Spain, France, England, Brazil, Ecuador, Greece, Mexico, Belize, Jamaica, Canada, Zamia, Zimbabwe and many others.
  3. The first tomatoes were found growing wild by Indians in Peru and Ecuador thousands of years ago.
  4. Argentina and Ecuador are considering more radical decriminalisation.
  5. Several countries, from Australia and China to Ecuador and Paraguay, have moved in a liberal direction, reducing import duties or removing non-tariff barriers since the beginning of March.
  6. The winners of the Goldman Prize for South and Central America are Pablo Fajardo and Luis Yanza in Ecuador.
  7. My guests were from all over the world -- Ecuador, Ethiopia, Sweden, Ghana...
  8. I wrote this account two days after E. G.`s death, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, while on standby for a flight home.
  9. Ecuador:夫妻反目 divorce, are to strike for three days.
  10. While in Ecuador, you can see the snowy peaks of the Andys, the Amazon rain forests and the famous Galapagos Islands.
  11. The presidents of Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Guatemala have recently visited Havana to deepen economic and political ties.
  12. I adhere to SouthAmerica teams, the realm of football, brazil; the leader is Maradona, Argentina; etheral style owner, Mexicoand the skin is more black than I, Ecuador.
  13. Origin: The cherimoya is believed to be native to the inter-andean valleys of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.
  14. No matter who you are or what you are into, you will enjoy every second of a vacation in Ecuador
  15. Geological research has shown that some 510 million years ago, Ohio lay to the south of Ecuador.
  16. More may go to Nicaragua, and to Ecuador: both countries recently elected presidents friendly to Mr Castro.
  17. In April 2009, Petroecuador and Sonangol signed a strategic alliance agreement to cooperate in several blocks in Ecuador.
  18. New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador's capital of Quito is gotten.
  19. New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador`s capital of Quito is gotten.
  20. Even after Ecuador introduced a windfall profit tax on oil firms last year, it still offers investors bigger profits on each barrel they pump than Alaska, America's biggest oil province, according to Wood Mackenzie's calculations.

Ecuador 单语例句

  1. It was an example Colombia and Ecuador should follow, she said.
  2. The conflict briefly aroused fears of war in the Andean region as Ecuador and Venezuela ordered troops to their borders with Colombia.
  3. It said she went to Ecuador in 2002 and later wrote a personal journal of her meetings with Colombian refugees in that country.
  4. Germany will complete their Group A campaign against Ecuador in Berlin on June 20.
  5. Loja city in Ecuador used to be littered with dumping yards in thickly populated areas, which recently caused an outbreak of contagious diseases.
  6. Ecuador defeated Costa Rica and Poland to advance to the World Cup second round, sparking massive celebrations in a country deeply divided by political instability and poverty.
  7. Ecuador made it through the first round of the tournament thanks to solid victories over Poland and Costa Rica.
  8. Another 200 of Gutierrez's supporters in Quito marched peacefully to Ecuador's Superior Court of Justice.
  9. They were followed by Brazil and Ecuador, who both played to win but failed to create many chances.
  10. Ecuador needed to go all the way to a " credit event " in December 2008 to be able to purchase the bonds at bargain prices.

Ecuador ['ekwәdɒ:]

n. 厄瓜多尔(位于拉丁美洲)
n. a republic in northwestern South America; became independent from Spain in 1822; the landscape is dominated by the Andes