durban是什么意思 durban在线中文翻译

Durban 英 [ˈdə:bən] 美 [ˈdɚbən]

Durban 网络解释

  1. 德班
    ...WEF1/3 德班(Durban)S.E. 直布罗陀(Gibraltar)S.E. 马耳他(Malta)S.E. 奥古斯塔(Augusta)S.E. 热那亚(Genoa)S.E. 比雷埃夫斯(Piraeus)S.E. 伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)盘中期价窄幅波动,受汽油市场强劲推动走高,但受美国股市下跌拖累而回落....
  2. 南非 德班
    ...寻有实力(有出口能力和经验,产品国家免检)的水泥厂家提供以下PO42.5/PO32.5到岸(CIF)每吨报价: 中国到 俄罗斯圣彼得堡(St.Petersburg) 中国到 阿联酋杜拜(Dubai) 中国到 南非德班 (Durban)...
  3. "南非"
  4. 德班[南非]
    ...Douala 杜阿拉[喀麦隆] -7 | Durban 德班[南非] -6 | Gaborone 哈博罗内[博茨瓦纳] -6...

Durban 双语例句

  1. Mr. Ball joined Newmont in 1994 as Senior Internal Auditor after practicing as an accountantwith Coopers and Lybrand in Durban, South Africa.
    他在南非德班Coopers and Lybrand会计师事务所任职之后,于1994年加盟纽蒙特。
  2. But in Durban, as in many other places, changing names is proving more controversial.
  3. Durban, which is also a port city, is the busiest port in Africa.
  4. The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban.
  5. On the evening of 29th June, a day I shall never forget, we landed at Durban.
  6. I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in South Africa's Durban City.
  7. To succeed, he must ensure that Durban will be a conference about racism, not Israel.
  8. The City of Durban, or Ethekwini, is a place of fusion.
  9. The fan, a young woman working at the airport in the South African coastal city of Durban, met popular film star Abhishek Bachchan as he prepared to fly to India recently, the Times of India daily reported.
  10. In addition, from October 1 this year onwards, the air will be introduced to Dubai to Durban, South Africa, flight services, with up to 14 tons of cargo transported.
  11. Staying in Durban, we catch up with Zulu volunteers on their regular home visits to care recipients. This time, the volunteers included a special trip to see Tzu Chi commissioner Victoria Stangoni, who recently suffered a stroke.
  12. Tzu Chi volunteers from Durban, South Africa carry supplies on the top of their heads - a skill not everyone has mastered. While Taiwanese volunteers struggle with two hands, local care-givers effortlessly balance the winter aid with one hand.
  13. The heavy weather forced the closure of all port operations in Durban.
  14. From NEWARK, NJ port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port JOHANNESBURG - Durban, ST LEGER AND VINEY, which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information C...
    与来自 JOHANNESBURG Durban 的出口商 ST LEGER AND VINEY 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物C 。。。
  15. The Inkatha Freedom Party, a mainly Zulu party whose heartland is in Durban's hinterland, is unamused by a proposal to rename the Mangosuthu highway, which took its name from the party's leader.
  16. I then went and bought five good quality organic plain t-shirts (I live in Durban, we can wear t-shirts all year round:) this is my wardrobe for now, I will be editing it further as I see what I need or don`t need.
  17. Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban.
  18. Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month.
  19. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) released the figures based on three sets of independent data, including a joint one from the University of East Anglia (UAE) currently mired in controversy and the Met Office, at a climate change conference in Durban this week.
  20. The Geneva conference is a follow-up to the2001 World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance held in Durban South Africa.

Durban 单语例句

  1. Durban is South Africa's premier " sun, sea and sand " destination.
  2. That in essence is what diplomats from 194 countries finally came up with at the Durban climate change conference after two weeks of hard negotiations.
  3. The Dutch won their group with nine points and will face Slovakia in the round of 16 on Monday in Durban.
  4. Reaching an agreement on the Green Climate Fund is considered one of the critical targets of the Durban conference.
  5. Bush said on Friday the United States would not go to the conference in Durban at all if the participants " picked on " or denigrated Israel.
  6. To achieve this goal the EU tried to play hard ball in Durban, with only limited success.
  7. Despite the hullabaloo at Durban, more urgent action is needed to save the planet.
  8. She noted that it was a common practice in international trade to transport goods to inland African countries through the Durban port.
  9. It is unlikely that Durban will see major progress, he added.
  10. And Durban saw the developed and developing countries clashing over the " nonofficial " negotiating texts.

Durban ['dә:bәn]

n. 德班(南非东部港市)
n. a port city in eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean; resort and industrial center