draw in是什么意思 draw in在线中文翻译

draw in 英 [drɔ: in] 美 [drɔ ɪn]

draw in 词典解释


draw in 词典例句

  1. The train was drawing in.
  2. This film is drawing in large crowds every night.
  3. Days are drawing in now.

draw in 网络解释

  1. (火车、汽车)进站
    ...draw back 收回(已付关税等) | draw in (火车、汽车)进站 | draw into 使卷入...
  2. (火车、汽车)到站
    ...die down渐渐消失,平息 | draw in(火车、汽车)到站 | dress up穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮...
  3. (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短
    ...do without 没有...也行,用不着,将就 | draw in (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短 | draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住...

draw in 英英释义

  1. draw in as if by suction
    e.g. suck in your cheeks and stomach
    Synonym: suck in
  2. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
    e.g. Her good looks attract the stares of many men
    e.g. The ad pulled in many potential customers
    e.g. This pianist pulls huge crowds
    e.g. The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers
    Synonym: attract pull pull in draw
  3. pull inward or towards a center
    e.g. The pilot drew in the landing gear
    e.g. The cat retracted his claws
    Synonym: retract
  4. of trains
    move into (a station)
    e.g. The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station
    Synonym: pull in get in move in
  5. advance or converge on
    e.g. The police were closing in on him
    Synonym: close in
  6. shape one's body into a curl
    e.g. She curled farther down under the covers
    e.g. She fell and drew in
    Synonym: curl up curl

draw in [drɔ: in]

na. 拉入;引入;收(网等);收回(借款等)
[网络] 引诱;到站;紧缩开支
draw in


draw: 指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
jerk: 指快而突然地拉。
tow: 特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
pull: 最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
drag: 指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。
haul: 指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
tug: 多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。