denver是什么意思 denver在线中文翻译

Denver 英 [ˈdenvə] 美 [ˈdɛnvɚ]

Denver 词典解释


Denver 网络解释

  1. 丹佛
    ...得救之道,近在咫尺 丹佛(Denver)的第一个字母是D,讽刺的是,在这座城市扎根超过30年的掘金队,却素以缺D著称. 这个D,是防守(Defense)的D. 缺...
  2. 丹佛市
    ...1997年在美国科罗拉多州(Colorado)丹佛市(Denver)举行的有关峰会上,俄罗斯正式获纳入,促成了G8的诞生. 尽管如此,俄罗斯并未获准参加G8的金融和经济会议,这些会议仍由G7(即七大工业国)控制. 在八个成员国当中,俄罗斯的经济总量最小....
  3. 掘金
    ...牛 圣安东尼奥马刺 犹他爵士 休斯顿火箭 明尼苏达森林狼 孟菲斯灰熊 丹佛掘金 太平洋赛区: 萨克拉门托国王 波特兰开拓者 凤凰城太阳队 西雅图超音速 洛杉矶湖人 金州勇士 洛杉矶快船网 (New Jersey) 掘金(Denver) 76人 (Phi...
  4. 美国 丹佛
    ...美国,丹佛(Denver)--在入选美国奥运篮球队后仅一天,本周二,丹佛掘金队的前锋球员卡梅罗.安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)接受了今年四月因酒后驾车被捕后遭到对其在意识模糊状态下危险驾驶的指控....

Denver 双语例句

  1. Qingdao Hongbo of products designed to meet internationally renowned brands mud pump: Emsco, Gardner-Denver, National, Oilwell, Ideco, Skytop/Brewster, OPI, Wirth, Wilson, Gaso.
  2. But Denver stepped up its defense and rebounding while outscoring the Lakers 16-10 to trail 81-80 heading into the final 12 minutes.
  3. Gasol has putup monster numbers both in Denver and Minnesota as the team`s primary option, and he feels strong enough that he doesn`t want to sit out to prepare for the postseason.
  4. DENVER - The mobile music landscape is very much a study in good news, bad news.
  5. The Nuggets, who watched film in L. A. before flying home Friday and taking the rest of the day off, thought they should have taken a 2-0 lead back to Denver.
  6. With the win over Denver, you guys are now 10 games over the.500 mark.
  7. After a Kenyon Martin layup gave Denver a two-point lead with 29.6 seconds left, Billups tied up Gasol which led what would be the deciding jump ball.
  8. In 1999 Denver voters approved a bond to fund the project, and as a result, the City and County of Denver functioned as owners throughout the construction process—at least from a financial point of view.
  9. Adit Ginde of the University of Colorado Denver, one of the researchers, said in a statement.
  10. Ghosts of an earlier age, an Allosaurus and a Stegosaurus brace for battle at the Denver Museum in Colorado.
  11. The Lincoln Chiropractic College in Indianapolis requires 4, 496 hours, the Palmer Institute Chiropractic in Davenport a minimum of 4, 00060-minute classroom hours, the University of Natural Healing Arts in Denver five years of 1, 000 hours each to qualify for a degree. The National College of Naprapathy in Chicago requires 4, 326 classroom hours for graduation.
  12. Since my flight to Denver was late arriving, myconnecting flight to Los Angeles was already gone.
  13. Prosecutors suspect he was planning to plant a bomb on the September 11th anniversary. But he quickly returned to Denver when a Queens imam, who was a police informant, alerted him that he was being tracked.
  14. Joe Clower was photographing some workmen painting the gold balls on a city monument in Denver, Colorado, in January 1996 when he saw a strange bell-shaped object in the sky
  15. After an exhausting primary season, the Democratic Party gathers in Denver to anoint its presidential candidate and lambaste the Republicans.
  16. UCD is located in the downtown of Denver with a scenic campus.
  17. Hillary Rodham Clinton's name will be part of the roll call of the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
  18. After arriving in Denver at 20:00 on 5th January, I found that my connecting flight to Hayden Airport, the closest one to Steamboat Springs, was cancelled. I had to queue up for 3 hours at Denver Airport to have a new flight and temporary accommodation arranged. I happened to meet an American youth who was also stranded by the same flight. We shared a hotel room, and in less than 5 hours'time, we were on our way back to Denver Airport for the flight at 08:00, but that flight was also cancelled!
    我乘飞机於1月5日晚上8时到达丹佛,原定接驳前往Steamboat Springs的Hayden机场的航班却因风雪暴而取消,在丹佛机场排队排了三句钟,好不容易才安排到改航班及当晚入住酒店,排队时碰到同一处境的美国青年,我俩便一同度宿,睡了不足五句钟,便再返回丹佛机场,准备乘早上8时的航班,怎料又再取消!
  19. And, our forwarder also tell me, the goods can only reach Denver. Does it convience for you to pick up the goods from Denver by yourself?
  20. This will be great for Denver and great for Colorado.

Denver 单语例句

  1. During a short status hearing in federal court in Denver Bryant's attorney Pamela Mackey said the defense planned to call up to 125 witnesses.
  2. Nene said the operation was performed Monday in Denver, and gave no details on whether the tumor was cancerous or where it was located.
  3. Houston was scheduled to play Sunday night at Denver and Monday night at Utah before finishing at home Wednesday night against the Clippers.
  4. Denver shot 42 percent, the Nuggets'highest total in the series but not nearly enough to match the Clippers.
  5. Some analysts have speculated that the more collegial setting could hamper Obama's efforts to challenge Romney more aggressively than in Denver.
  6. Anthony made clear on Sunday the importance of a contract extension, which he's thus far refused to sign with the Denver Nuggets.
  7. DENVER - Former President Clinton has pledged to cheering Democratic National Convention delegates to strongly support Barack Obama's campaign for the White House.
  8. Darren Taylor sets the current shallow diving record in Denver in June.
  9. Taken in the fourth round of the 2006 draft by Denver, the trade reunites Marshall with former Broncos quarterback Jay Cutler.
  10. Cutler missed the final series of the half with a finger injury but returned for Denver's first possession of the third quarter.

Denver ['denvә]

n. 丹佛(地名,美国城市)
n. the state capital and largest city of Colorado; located in central Colorado on the South Platte river