demoiselle crane是什么意思 demoiselle crane在线中文翻译

demoiselle crane

demoiselle crane 双语例句

  1. The Demoiselle crane has gray contour feather and lore, the side of head, throat and neck is black.
  2. It`s called the demoiselle crane
  3. The feather of the below neck prolong and droop to breast. Remex is black. The general dissection and morphologic observation of four Demoiselle crane. It is shown that the Demoiselle crane has advanced tongue, small intestine, liver and pancreas, and its caecum is so advanced comparatively, but its craw is wondrous undeveloped.
  4. Demoiselle crane, alias Guixiu He, is a kind of large wading bird belonging to Turiformes of the family Gruidae that lived in swamp and everglade of the Northern Hemisphere. Demoiselle crane is a kind of Ⅱ safeguard wild animal in our country.
    蓑羽鹤 别名闺秀鹤,属于鹤形目鹤科,是1类广泛分布在北半球湿地,栖息于沼泽或近水区的大型涉禽,被列为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物川。
  5. 15 species of cranes were recorded in the world, 9 of them were recorded in China, 7 species were recorded in Heilongjiang Province, they are Red-crowned Crane, Siberian Crane, White-naped Crane, Hooded Crane, Common Crane, Sand Crane and Demoiselle Crane.
  6. The Time Budgets of Behaviors of Demoiselle Crane in Captivity in Breeding Season

demoiselle crane

un. 闰秀鹤;蓑羽鹤
[网络] 迷途的蓑羽鹤;企鵰;闺秀鹤
demoiselle crane