cut the umbilical cord是什么意思 cut the umbilical cord在线中文翻译

cut the umbilical cord

cut the umbilical cord 双语例句

  1. At the very moment when the umbilical cord was cut off, the gate to the Eden was shut to me.
  2. If we can't cut the umbilical cord that ties us to the power grid, here's a way to at least make it look pretty.
  3. Nga has cut the umbilical cord with a bamboo sliver and rinsed the floor with a bucket of water.
  4. I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.
  5. Objective To investigate the neonatal umbilical cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level in the universal iodized salt areas and put forward the cut point, then analyze its application.
  6. All her vital life systems are now working independently and the umbilical cord can be cut.
  7. An emergency room physician cut the umbilical cord in the parking lot, and doctors attended to Johnson until she could be taken to Uniontown Hospital, which has a maternity unit.
  8. When we were born, when we got out, they cut the umbilical cord and slowly we had the idea that our mother was different from us.
  9. First, I thought every one born, the naked, the only mother the umbilical cord attached, cut the umbilical cord, the only fleshy body, opened his eyes and saw only a bright one.

cut the umbilical cord 单语例句

  1. A stewardess wrapped the baby in a blanket and a doctor on board cut the umbilical cord.
  2. Ronaldo was present when his daughter was born and cut the umbilical cord.
  3. Brad Pitt cut the umbilical cord of his new daughter when she was born.

cut the umbilical cord

[网络] 变得独立
cut the umbilical cord


rope: 指用于捆绑大物件的粗壮而坚固的绳子,一般用绵、毛、麻、金属或其它材料制成。
wire: 专指用金属制成的线。
thread: 普通用词,指用棉、毛、丝或纤维等纹成的很细的线,通常用于缝纫、纺织等。
string: 普通用词,指捆绑小件物品的细绳或细带子。
line: 普通用词,含义广泛,指任何一种线,常作引申用。
cord: 指比string粗,比rope细,较牢固,通常用于捆扎较小物品的线或绳。用作引申当约束讲。

shorten: 通常指缩短时间、尺寸或过程。
abbreviate: 指省去应有的或后续的部分,从而使整体缩短。也可指缩短时间。
abridge: 多指对书籍的删节或缩短,删去不重要部分而保存其精华。
cut: 普通用词,指任何缩短而缩减的过程。

bruise: 指表皮下面的组织受损,但没有破裂。但由于血流进组织,因而出现紫块。普通用词。
scar: 主要指伤口愈合而留下的伤疤。
cut: 指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或浅的伤口。
wound: 通常指尖锐锋利的工具所致的伤口,多深及到表皮组织以下。可用作引申指打击或伤害。

scratch: 抓伤;
bruise: 擦伤
bump/lump: 碰伤肿块;
cut: 割伤;
burn: 灼伤;

hack: 指粗暴地乱剪、乱砍、乱劈。
cut: 普通用词,使用广泛。指用带刃工具的切、割、砍等的行动。
chop: 指用刀斧连续猛力砍某物,以便砍断、切碎。