cucumber mosaic virus是什么意思 cucumber mosaic virus在线中文翻译

cucumber mosaic virus

cucumber mosaic virus 双语例句

  1. Based on the conserved region nucleotide sequences of four viruses (Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, ALMV; Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV; Cucumber mosaic virus-satellite, CMV-sat; Potato virus Y, PVY) and one viroid (Potato spindle tuber viroid, PSTVd) which could be pathogenic on potato world and one inner control(18S rRNA), specific oligonucleotide probes and primers were designed and spotting for hybridization detection.
    利用芯片点样仪将5种侵染马铃薯的病毒/类病毒(苜蓿花叶病毒、黄瓜花叶病毒、黄瓜花叶病毒-卫星病毒、马铃薯病毒Y、马铃薯块茎纺锤状类病毒)的保守区寡核苷酸(Oligonucleotide,oligo)探针和PCR探针点样于玻片,并以植物18S rRNA作为内参照制成基因芯片。
  2. Cucumber mosaic virus is one of the most economically important viruses occurring throughout the world.
  3. Four kinds of virus particles with spherical, fibrous and short-rod shapes were found and the inclusion bodies of crystalloid, hexagon, bundle, scroll and pinwheel were observed in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells by electron microscope. Enzyme-linked immumnosorbent assay indicated that the spherical and short fibrous viruses were cucumber mosaic virus(29.5 nm) and lily symptomless virus(593.29~639.97 nm×12.15~14.12 nm), while the long fibrous and short rod-shaped viruses were preliminarily identified as Potyvirus(757.58~846.25 nm×12.12~12.75 nm) and tobacco rattle virus(500~807.69 nm×153.85~192.31 nm).
    通过带病组织汁液和带病组织超薄切片负染电镜技术对侵染观赏百合的病毒粒子和内含体进行观察,证明在表现不同症状的5个品种中存在球状、短线状、长线状、短杆状4种病毒粒子和晶体状、风轮状、束状、卷筒状、正六边形5种内含体,通过ELISA检测及病毒粒子形态、大小及内含体形态分析,确定球状病毒粒子(直径29.5 nm)为黄瓜花叶病毒,短线状病毒粒子(593.29~639.97 nm×12.15~14.12 nm)为百合无症病毒,长线状病毒粒子(757.58~846.25 nm×12.12~12.75 nm)为马铃薯Y病毒,短杆状病毒粒子(500~807.69 nm×153.85~192.31 nm)为烟草脆裂病毒。
  4. The 2b protein encoded by Cucumber mosaic virus plays an important pathogenicity role in many solanaceous hosts, but mechanism of inducing disease is still unknown.
    黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)2b蛋白作为重要致病因子的角色在茄科模式植物上已为广泛描述,但其致病机理尚未廓清。
  5. For the soybean germplasms, 76(25.33%), 41(13.67%) and 14 (4.67%) were positive to Soybean mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, and Alfalfa mosaic virus respectively.
  6. It reacted positively with cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) antiserum in the agar diffusion test.
  7. Cucumber mosaic virus is one of most popular plant viruses in the world, and its host range is wide. It brings serious damages to agricultural production in pepper and is difficult to be controled.
  8. Effects of post-acquisition fast on cucumber mosaic virus transmission by the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii;
  9. The simultaneous display technique of electrical penetration graph (EPG) was used to study the effects of the wave potential drop (pd) and its sub-phases in the acquisition of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) by the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii from the infected melon plants.
  10. A high-titre antiserum of Cucumber Mosaic Virus which titre was determined as 1/256 by double diffusion test was obtained by immunizing rabbits with purified CMV as antigen through intravenous, intramuscular, and footpad injection.
  11. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Gene of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Isolate from Stripe and Necrosis Virus of Processing Tomatoes in Xinjiang A Poison Tree
  12. Sequence Homology and Base Pairing between Cucumber Mosaic Virus Satellite RNA and Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid
  13. Cloning and sequencing of a cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA isolated from Raphanus sativus and comparison of its sequence with 12 satellite RNAs
  14. Construction of plant expression vector of fusion genes with Banana bunchy top virus replicase and Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein
  15. Cloning of GDD deleted replicase gene of Cucumber mosaic virus and construction of its plant expression vector
  16. Fast Homozygosity of Transgenic Tobacco Line Resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus
  17. Resistance Identification and SSR Marking of Resistance Gene of Tobacco Cucumber Mosaic Virus
  18. Inductive effect of methyl jasmonate on tobacco resistance to cucumber mosaic virus
  19. Cucumber mosaic virus was detected from infected Piper nigrum Linn. in hainan with the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
    通过间接酶联免疫法,从海南罹病胡椒植株中检测到黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)。
  20. The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaic Virus Isolated from Echinacea purpurea Moench

cucumber mosaic virus

cucumber mosaic virus


bacteria: (系bacterium的复数形式),泛指任何在动植物体中广泛传播的微生物细菌,其中有的对生命体无害,有的能导致传染病或严重疾病,如天花、霍乱等。
germ: 微生物的俗称,专指引起人体生命的病菌。
virus: 技术用语,特指病毒或过滤性病原体。
bug: 非正式用词,指细菌或由病毒所引起的传染病。
microbe: 本义指在显微镜下才能见到的微生物,现在多指引起疾病的细菌。