crossing barrier是什么意思 crossing barrier在线中文翻译

crossing barrier

crossing barrier 双语例句

  1. Around the corner from the new crossing, with its tubs of flowers and smart awnings, the old barrier still snakes its way through the city, guarded by troops.
  2. According to the current serve as the criterion, and protects decomposing the electrical machinery flowing and carringon the back order and three big kinds of protection null sequence for crossing, but hence what from this forms the integrated protection basic overlay electromotor own the common barrier type.
    摘 要:依据电流为判据,将电机保护分解为过流、负序和零序保护3大类,由此构成的综合保护可基本覆盖电动机的所有常见故障类型。
  3. After colonization on the epithelial cells lining the mucosal surfaces of the nasopharynx, NM needs to cross the epithelium, gaining entry into the bloodstream, and crossing blood-brain barrier to the cerebrospinal fluid to cause meningitis.
    若栖息於鼻腔黏膜上皮细胞的NM 穿过上皮组织进入循环的血液、再穿过血脑屏障到达脑脊液则会引发脑膜炎。
  4. Observation on the level of propylthiouracil crossing the placental barrier
  5. That is, a sensor network is said to provide double barrier coverage if any target crossing the monitoring region will be detected by two sensors simultaneously at some point on its path.
  6. And the Cologne group`s delicate measuring instruments showed that the signal was arriving earlier with the barrier in place – it was crossing the gap between transmitter and receiver faster than light speed.
  7. It was found that (I) Hydroxyls of HYP at position 1, 2 could form intramolecular hydrogen bond (IHB) through crossing a barrier of about 20kJ/mol and rotating around C-0 bond, and the hydrogen bond energy was estimated to be approximately 10kJ/mol.
  8. Avian Influenza and Swine Influenza: New Understanding of Crossing Species Barrier
  9. Vitamin E and quercetin are both effective anti-oxidant, but it is still unclear whether VE and quercetin can protect nerval system of mice through crossing placenta barrier and blood-brain barrier.
  10. However, obstruction of traffic crossing rivers has always been an insurmountable barrier to economical development, which impairs the balance between economy, culture and politics.
  11. Not allowed to cross, Reliance sit sidewalks, roadways and railway crossing the barrier.
  12. In order to process break-off accident in north bank of the Yellow River non-excavating piping of the west-east natural gas transfer engineering by the use of horizontal directional underwater crossing drilling, a deep excavation is needed for dewatering without artificial exclusion of water any thing like curtain barrier.
  13. Rules for Green Time Adjustment and Rules for Barrier Crossing are used to serve the priority requests and to adjust green times for vehicle phases.
  14. The Advance of Pron Protein Conformation Changing and Crossing Species Barrier Mechanism

crossing barrier 单语例句

  1. The two men regulate traffic with a long, crooked stick that goes up and down like a crude crossing barrier.
  2. Israel insists it is building the second phase of the barrier to keep militants from crossing into its territory to carry out suicide bombings.

crossing barrier

crossing barrier


obstruction: 常既指具体的障碍又可指抽象或喻意上的阻碍。
barrier: 常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。
hindrance: 指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。
obstacle: 指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。
bar: 既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。