crosscorrelation function是什么意思 crosscorrelation function在线中文翻译

crosscorrelation function

crosscorrelation function 双语例句

  1. The autocorrelation and crosscorrelation function between the two orthogonal polarization lights of single molecules fluorescence shown that the dynamics of the surface of the polymer film is much more active than the inside.
  2. In order to expand the search space and decrease the crosscorrelation among the sub-sources, non-linear transform is made for the cost function.
  3. For two random signals X, Y, their crosscorrelation function can be defined as
  4. In addition, error and precision in the process of detecting the peak of crosscorrelation function are analyzed in detail, and then a new method is advanced to improve the precision and stability of the system.
  5. This papers bases on properties of related function, devises out the suitable expresses for virtual instruments according to principle of AutoCorrelation and CrossCorrelation, then devises out virtual phase meter and embody that the software is the instrument.
  6. The concepts of the periodic crosscorrelation function and the periodic autocorrelation function of the sequence pairs are presented, based on these concepts, the transform relations between the crosscorrelation functions are given.
  7. The dynamic strain signals collected nearby a crack and defect-free zone were used in correlation calculation. The results of the crosscorrelation function was used to decide the situation of initiation and propagation of the crack.
  8. Divulges using the pipeline when has the frequency relatively stable vibration phenomenon characteristic, the use crosscorrelation function peak tracking system principle of design, unified the monolithic integrated circuit system design one kind of easy to operate to divulge the localization test system.
  9. Based on the characteristic that the abnormal field can be standed out against the background field in virtue of the normalized electromagnetic field-derivative, the method amends the occurrence probability function into the crosscorrelation of the normalized observed EM field-derivative component and the derivative of corresponding normalized scanning function.
  10. Distribution of Crosscorrelation Function Values of No Sequences
  11. Ii When decimation factor is 〓 or 〓, I have given the exact values of crosscorrelation function C〓.

crosscorrelation function



obligation: 指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。
duty: 指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。
function: 指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。
responsibility: 指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。