cpi是什么意思 cpi在线中文翻译


cpi 词典解释

形容词crash position indicator 失事位置指示器;crash position indication 应急的位置指示器;clutch pitching index 离合器俯仰指数;characters per inch 每英寸字符数

cpi 网络解释

  1. 成本绩效指数
    ...假设以当前 CPI 完成 ETC 工作.这种方法假设项目将按截至目前 的情况继续进行,即 ETC 工作将按项目截至目前的累计成本绩效 指数(CPI)实施.公式:EAC = BAC / 累计 CPI....
  2. 指消费者物价指数
    ...而且利息的支付可以很好地和公司的收益情况联系起来,从而使发债公司在利息偿付上风险不大. 再比如电力公司债券可以和电价相关联;钢铁公司发行的债券利率可以和钢的价格联系起来等. 而本文所探讨的物价连动国债,专指消费者物价指数(CPI)连动债券....
  3. abbr. consumption price index; 消费价格指数
  4. abbr. continuouse process improvement; 连续工序改善
  5. abbr. cost performance indicator; 成本绩效指数

cpi 英英释义

  1. a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI
    consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.
    Synonym: California Personality Inventory
  2. an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
    Synonym: consumer price index cost-of-living index


abbr. 每一次安装收费 (Cost per Install)
abbr. 消费物价指数的英文缩写(Consumer Price Index)
n an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
n a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI; consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.