coriolis force是什么意思 coriolis force在线中文翻译

Coriolis force 英 [ˌkɔ:riˈəulis fɔ:s] 美 [ˌkɔriˈolɪs fɔrs]

Coriolis force 词典解释


Coriolis force 网络解释

  1. 科里奥利力
    ...罗斯比数是衡量相对于科里奥利力(Coriolis force)的惯性力. 流体力学基础理论研究表明,不同雷诺数的流体在管子内部流动,表现出不同的流动模式. 叶片内部气体的流动也是这样. 经验表明,如果两片进口叶轮叶片或扩压器叶片的速度呈直线形,...
  2. 科氏力
    ...Gas Hydrate Gas Hydrate又称甲烷水合物(Methane Hydrate)系水分子与甲烷于低温高压(0℃,26大气压或1科氏力 (coriolis force) 地球自转会带来一种力,科学家睡与梦( dream and sleep)梦是生活中难解之谜,自古以来引起各种各样的解释和猜想....
  3. 柯氏力
    ...也同時得到一最佳的飛行軌跡. 為了解柯氏力(coriolis force)對於飛行軌跡之影響,本研究以(一)固定發射點,......
  4. ...超级台风奥利瓦(Oliwa)在图里奥利力(Coriolis force)影响,因此北半球的哈得来气流轨道恒偏右,南半球则纬度地区环地极(circumpolar)气流的形态. 为了强调它们对大范围环流的作用,...

Coriolis force 双语例句

  1. In the analysis of sea ice dynamics, the drag forces, internal ice force, Coriolis'force and ocean tilt effect were calculated and contrasted.
  2. This produces the necessary velocity element to produce a Coriolis force during angular rate.
  3. Because of this, the Coriolis force is not in effect at the equator.
  4. The first part of the article, the emergence of the Coriolis force.
  5. When an object moves on a moving object, it is subject to a force known as Coriolis Force.
  6. What Coriolis force contribute to the frequency is analysised later.
  7. In addition, in the pressure side, the effect of Coriolis force makes the low-speed streaks slenderer and the space between streaks smaller, and in the suction side, streaks almost disappear and the flow has the tendency to become laminar.
  8. Two main components are recognized: first, the latitudinal meridional component due to the Coriolis force a deflecting motion or force discussed by G. G.
  9. That the earth has an iron-rich liquid core, sufficient energy to drive convection and a Coriolis force to twist the convecting fluid are primary reasons why the geodynamo has sustained itself for billions of years.
  10. It is a slow evolvement under quasi-balance of inertial force, Coriolis force and pressure gradient force.
  11. The air damping, quadrature error, parasite Coriolis force and interference from axial accelerations are also discussed.
  12. A example illustrates the influence of Coriolis inertial force on the system frequency and its limit velocity.
  13. Anomalous anticyclone at the upper level is form in response to the enhanced convective heating off the equator, resulting in increased geopotential height and temperature over the Tibetan Plateau and in favor of the early BOB seasonal transition. Another effect of Positive SST anomalies over the Warm Pool is to induce anomalously strong zonal monsoon circulation. The anomalous zonal monsoon circulation strengths the southerlies in upper levels due to Coriolis force. Thus the enhanced warm meridional advection in connection with the warming over the Tibetan Plateau lead to early seasonal transition over the BOB region.
  14. Influence of air resistance and Coriolis force on absolute gravimetry
  15. The effect of the Coriolis force on deposition, extension and swing of the wandering river mouth is considerable too.
  16. A Tentative Study of Coriolis Field of Force and Generalized Inertia Potential
  17. And through an example of Inertia centrifuge field potential and Coriolis force field potential, the artide once more explains the inertia force field in the non-inertia is the center authenticity.
  18. When the prerotation in the incoming flow is clockwise, parts of the prerotation was used to counteract the effect of the Coriolis force, and the remains was used to produce the clockwise vortex.
  19. The design of Coriolis force mass flowmeter is introduced in this paper.
  20. The principle of coriolis force mass flowmeter and its application in gelled propellant rocket engine test are introduced, results of the test are also analyzed.

Coriolis force

na. 地球自转偏向力
[网络] 科里奥利力;科氏力;柯氏力
Coriolis force


army: 军队,着重指军队这个整体,包括陆海空三军。当与navy和air force并列使用时,则指陆军。如:We will have not only a powerful army but also a powerful air force and a powerful navy.(我们不但要有强大的陆军,而且要有强大的空军和海军。)
force: 军队,部队,着重指武力,常用复数。如:Forces were sent out to stop the conflict.派出武装部队制止这场冲突。
troop: 部队,着重指构成军队的士兵成员,常用复数。如:They sent the troops to the front.他们把军队派往前线。

constrain: 侧重施加约束力或有约束作用的影响,也指环境对人强加的影响迫使人去做某事,尤指受良心、情感等内在力量驱使去做某事。
force: 指用个人意志、权力、权威或暴力等,迫使他人改变看法或做本不愿做的事。
compel: 指在法律、权力、力量或行动等的驱使下被迫而为。
oblige: 指由于生理上或道德上的需要,促使某人做某事,也指有权威的人或机构迫使某人做某事,还可指在特定情况下被迫作出的反应。

might: 多指巨大或超人的力量。
strength: 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。
power: 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。
vigour: 指由生命元气的存在所产生的活力、精力。
force: 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。
energy: 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。