contrary motion是什么意思 contrary motion在线中文翻译

contrary motion

contrary motion 双语例句

  1. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.
  2. But the Christian knight, well acquainted with the customs of Eastern warriors, did not mean to exhaust his good horse by any unnecessary exertion; and, on the contrary, made a dead halt, confident that if the enemy advanced to the actual shock, his own weight, and that of his powerful charger, would give him sufficient advantage, without the additional momentum of rapid motion.
  3. At the speed above 250 km/h, for instance, air drag becomes the dominant resistance force to the movement of the train and the compressibility effect of the air flow induced by the motion of the train may be not insignificant, in contrary to low-speed train.
  4. Sweep gold machine and the adoption of four special arrangements for mutual funds, turned to the contrary between the reciprocating motion, and two with qiangli on the aliquation pipeline, together with the subsequent adsorption multi-road ultravacuum sweeplng and circulatory system, this can be a clean rapidly Qing prunean powder on paper, not recreate the leak.
  5. I was so worried that the great motion turn to the contrary side.
  6. Thus, in every American deliberative assembly having no rules for conducting business, the motion to adjourn, when it does not dissolve the assembly, would be decided to be undebatable, as in Congress, the English parliamentary law to the contrary notwithstanding; so if the previous question were negatived, the debate upon the subject would continue, as in Congress, whereas in Parliament the subject would be immediately dismissed; so, too, the previous question could be moved when there was before the assembly a motion either to commit, or to postpone definitely or indefinitely, just as in Congress, notwithstanding that, according to English parliamentary law, the previous question could not be moved under such circumstances.
  7. The horizontal motion in the north part of Shanxi fault zone is contrary to the trend motion, if taking the Daixian as a center the northern section of the zone moves eastwards and the southern section westwards;
  8. On the contrary, there are close layer or half close layer of enterprise group formulated by enterprise net with weak motion, when the special-purpose of intermediate goods is weak and trade expenses are low.
  9. At the same time, the disturbance of the irregular noise does not always destroy the order of the system. Contrary, it can play a constructive role, producing the coherent motion, and enhancing the degree of order in a nonlinear system under the proper condition.
  10. Contrary motion describes the movement of two voices in opposite directions.
  11. On the contrary, an object once in motion would tend to continue in motion.

contrary motion

un. 反向进行
[网络] 反行;相反方向;立刻相反方向进行的音程
contrary motion


movement: 通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,特指政治性的运动。
motion: 指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因。
move: 着重开始的行动或变化。

reverse: 指朝相反方向的或反面(背面)的。
opposite: 指位置、方向、行动或想法等完全相反。
converse: 指在方向、行动或意见上相反的。
contrary: 一般指与某种主张、看法或行为等正好相反,隐含否定一方并不意味着肯定另一方的意味。
adverse: 通常指违害利益的、无生命的势力或条件等,侧重分歧。

opposite: adj 相反的,相对的,对面的;
contrary: adj 相反的,矛盾的,对抗的;
otherwise: 可做adv,意为“不同的,不那样的”;
unlikely: adj 不大可能的