constituent sentence是什么意思 constituent sentence在线中文翻译

constituent sentence

constituent sentence 双语例句

  1. Under this scheme, every Chinese sentence will be annotated with a complete parse tree, where each non terminal constituent is assigned with two tags.
    目前 ,这两个标记集分别包含了 1 6和 2 7个标记,对汉语句子的不同句法组合的外部功能分布和内部组合特点进行了详细描述。
  2. Each constituent, which occupies a slot in the sentence, is chosen from among all the members of a syntactic category.
  3. Chapter 3 analyzes and classifies the system of modern Chinese sentences with the criterion of constituent order and indicates that Chinese dynamic sentences are based on three basic sentences: the basic nounal predicate sentence, the basic adjectival predicate sentence and the basic verbal predicate sentence.
  4. He cannot stop to show his reader how each constituent word of the original sentence is throbbing with a life of its own, and aglow with the fascination of a personal history.
  5. Analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to (a sentence). What are principal/secondary parts in an English sentence?
  6. The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element.
  7. We discuss the general rules of Chinese pragmatic constituent order in static phrase and deviate rules in dynamic sentence.
  8. A group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit.
  9. A sentence has its particular constituent structure in large part because of the dependencies imposed by s-selection and c-selection.
  10. As we all know, language is linear, so the speaker must start his speech with proper constituent, that is to say, he must select proper Theme as the beginning of his sentence message.
  11. At the syntactic level of grammatical analysis, each constituent of a sentence is assigned to a lexical category, reflecting the syntactical function of each constituent to predicate of the sentence.
  12. Syntactic movement: Syntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position.
  13. Translation of the Chinese Dual-Function Constituent Sentence into English: Functional Equivalence Perspective
  14. This paper adopts the Merge Theory of Control to achieve a unified explanation of the bi-constituent sentence pattern.
    本文将用Young-Sun Kim(2003)控制的合并理论对兼语式结构作统一的解释。
  15. From the two levels of syntax and semantics there are many factors restricting the exchanging of subject and object, such as the sentence constituent with modifier or not, the long-short and type of modifier, semantic features and so on.
  16. Also we analyse the complete sentence function of the boundedness constituent and the sentence patterns which need the boundedness of the predicate., such as, ba construction, bei construction, verb copying construction and topic construction.
  17. Topicalization, or fronted theme, refers to certain sentence constituent that moves to the initial position and leaves a trace in the original place.
  18. The Constituent Analysis of Ancient Chinese Sentence Structure
  19. Why should we start from the sentence constituent?
  20. An expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb.

constituent sentence

constituent sentence


element: 指一个整体必不可少或固有的部分,强调一个复杂整体中最基本、最简单的元件、元素或成分等。
component: 指一个整体的组成部分。
constituent: 常可与component换用,指某一整体不可少的部分或成分。
ingredient: 普通用词,含义笼统。既可指混在一起而本身没有变化的物质,如配料,又可指与别的物质混在一起,发生了变化的成分。

convict: 法律用词,指审判后判定有罪,但未作最后判决。
judge: 指对案件作出审理判决,但判决内容较笼统,不如sentence和condemn使用广泛。
sentence: 法律用词,指根据罪犯所犯罪行的轻重而宣判处罚。
doom: 书面用词,指郑重他宣判某人有罪。
condemn: 普通用词,指法院对审理结束的案件做出的定罪判刑。