conformal projection是什么意思 conformal projection在线中文翻译

conformal projection

conformal projection 双语例句

  1. In this paper, a series of lunar map projection formulas are deduced including azimuthal projections, cylindrical projections and conical projections. The lunar map projections software is compiled. By caculating lunar map projection distortions, their projection distortion rules are found. Base on the lunar exploration mission, the lunar map projection scheme is given in this paper. The azimuthal conformal projection or the circumcenter perspective azimuthal projection is usually used in small areas, especially in two poles. When the whole map of the moon is needed, the azimuthal conformal projection or the circumcenter perspective azimuthal projection is used within 10° in the poles, and the traverse tangent cylindrical conformal projection or the normal secant conical conformal projection can be used in else areas, furthermore, band-division is necessary to reduce the projection distortion.
  2. In this paper, the theory and method of polynomials for conformal projection transformation and their application in CAC and in the construction of GIS are systematically discussed. Also introduced is the programme package in BASIC and FORTRAN for conformal projection transformation.
  3. The expansions of conformal latitude in map projection are studied in this paper.
  4. According to the selective principle of map projection and Guangxi Regional place and form, the normal secant conic conformal projection of Guangxi Region is designed in this paper.
  5. Standard Parallels Computation for Normal Conformal Secant Conic Projection Based on Graded-Traversal Approach
  6. The cross polarization effects of conformal array is analyzed and studied. The adaptive method and the alternating projection method are combined to speed up the convergence.
  7. We introduce the concept of subdivision in curve design on manifolds, and for any given initial control points on the manifold, we can generate a smooth subdivision curve on the manifold by conformal mapping, MLS projection and orthogonal projection respectively.
  8. Study on Precise Positioning Method of a Service Robot Based on Three-Point Location They are commonly used in map projections, polar projection, Mercator's projection Lambert conformal conic projection are three of them.
  9. They are commonly used in map projections, polar projection, Mercator's projection Lambert conformal conic projection are three of them. a projection of the globe onto a cone with its point over one of the earth's poles.
  10. There are three popular map projections in Antarctica-Polar Stereographic Projection, Transverse Mecator Projection and Lambert Conformal Conic Projection.
  11. The method is confirmed by the analysis for cylinder microstrip arrays. Then, the aperture projection method, which is typical pattern synthesis method for conformal arrays, is introduced, combining to the Taylor line source synthesis method which is applied to plane array.
  12. Study on the Miniaturize Dome-screen Projector System for the Flight Simulator; They are commonly used in map projections, polar projection, Mercator's projection Lambert conformal conic projection are three of them.
  13. Polynomials for Conformal Projection Transformation and Their Application
  14. A Semi-lagrangian algorithm associated with the semi-implicit method in the integration of the shallow water equation in a conformal conic projection is presented. The resulting model, which can be integrated with a time step of one hour, is unconditionally stable.
  15. Constant Coefficient Formulas for Conformal Projection Transformation and Their Application in Zone Transformation for Gauss-Kruger Projection
  16. Normal secant conic conformal projection of Guangxi region
  17. Constant coefficient computing formulas are better than traditional variable coefficient computing formulas. Constant coefficent formula for conformal projection transformation is the best model for computer calculation. They could be widely applied in flelds of computer cartography, map databases and GIS, ect.
  18. Oppugning the Methods of Conformal Projection and Typology in the Research and Design of Chinese Classical Gardens

conformal projection [kɔnˈfɔ:ml prəˈdʒekʃən]

conformal projection