compression knock是什么意思 compression knock在线中文翻译

compression knock

compression knock 双语例句

  1. This paper describes the improvement of the combustion chamber of CA6102vehicle engine. Tests on a single-cylinder test engine show that, when MON70 gasoline is burnt, the new combustion chamber gives a higher combustion rate and better anti-knock ability. Thusa higher compression ratio and leaner mixture can be used, resulting in better fuel economy andhigher power output. Since no change in the manufacturing equipment is needed, the improvedcombustion chamber can be easily utilized.
  2. In the process of metal forming, the material of blank will be extruded into the die cavity to obtain various geometries. Due to the effects of friction and elastic deformation, it`s necessary to knock out formed work-piece by high ejector force. For conventional stamping die, the way to push out the formed material is to utilize the recovery force of the ejector pin which is an elastic compression component. However, this way is not suitable for micro forming die, because the die hole is usually less than 1mm and the mechanism is difficult for machining and assembly within limited space.
  3. To increase the compression ratio of gasoline engine is always limitted by the anti-knock characteristics of the fuel.
  4. Knock of acceleration process in 92 single-cylinder gaseline engine with compact high compression ratio combustion chamber and air/fuel ratio for dynamic transitions in 492Q gaseline engine with microcompuer controlled system were precisely controlled by respective designed controllers.

compression knock 单语例句

  1. " Theo has a slight knock and it has been strapped up for compression purposes, " the FA confirmed.

compression knock

compression knock


knock: 敲门;
beat: 打鼓;连续打;
strike: 敲锣,钟敲几点,猛的一击;
hit: 击中,打一下

pat: 指用手轻拍以示同情、赞同或爱抚。
knock: 指用拳头或其它器械猛敲或猛打;也指用手轻敲某物。
rap: 指用手指或木棒等快速地轻敲或急拍。
tap: 多指慢慢地连续地轻击或轻拍。