compression fault是什么意思 compression fault在线中文翻译

compression fault

compression fault 双语例句

  1. By the information analysis of fold, reverse fault, angular unconformity contact relation, jointing, scratch, microstructure and acoustic emission testing, we can know that compression activity of Jiaolai basin has three stages.
  2. I_ testing; stuck-open fault; pairs of test pattern; BIST mix-mode testing tactic; run-length code compression tactic; multi-core testing
    瞬态电流测试;开路故障;测试向量对; BIST混合测试策略;游程编码压缩策略;多核测试
  3. Based on DWT Que and processing technology to achieve the value of the power system fault recorder data compression, the simulation proved that this method has good accuracy and compression ratio.
  4. For power system mass fault recording data transmission, a new method of data compression is proposed.
  5. First, the basic characteristics and limitations of PCA are analyzed and presented. The on-line filtering, rectification and compression of process data are integrated in the sense of wavelet multiresolutional analysis. The directed graph-based techniques are utilized to optimize sensor locations to ensure obtaining the maximum fault resolution. The algorithms for multiscale data processing and information extraction are proposed. The improved multi-variable statistic analysis can efficiently detect weak changes, and give an insight into the root cause of process fault. A quantity of dynamic knowledge can be obtained from process data by means of data mining technique. It will be used to improve the correctness of process monitoring and fault diagnosis. The method, which is suggested in this project, has superior performance than conventional methods. This research is very important and significant for ensuring production safety, reducing the fluctuation of product quality in chemical industries, and also is an important part of the process control theory.
  6. An improved method for testing LSI circuit is proposed and verified by making fault simulation implemented with C language on ISCAS'85 Benchmark circuits. DFT; Built-in Self Test; test-per-clock; test pattern compression
    基于扫描的可测性设计可以提高电路的可测性,但要依赖外部设备进行测试生成,成本高;内建自测试可以进行自我测试,硬件电路易于实现,但其故障覆盖率低。2 STUMPS测试方法分析STUMPS2-31的测试方法,结合了内建自测试和基于扫描的可测性设计两种测试电路的优点,有效地解决了电路测试成本高而复杂的问。。。。。。
  7. Compression and inversion action make series of traps, tectonic traps and stratigraphy traps are the primary trap types, Tectonic traps can be classified into anticlinal traps (compressional anticlinal trap, drape anticlinal trap, faulted anticlinal trap) and fault block trap (scalariform fault block trap, arcuate fault block trap, crossed fault block trap). Stratigraphy traps can be classified into stratigraphic onlap trap and stratigraphic erosion unconformity trap.
  8. Each section has different structural characteristics. It`s north boundary is the Xialei-Lingma fault zone, the south is the Pingxiang-Dongmen fault zone.(5)The paleostress field characteristics in reserch behaved that, mainly near south to north compression folding-uplift movement in Caledonian orogeny, and also in Indosinian orogeny, west-north to east-south in Hercynian orogeny and in early Yanshan orogeny, north-eastnorth to south-westsouth in late Yanshan orogeny, east to west in early Himalayan orogeny and south to north in late Himalayan orogeny.
  9. Abrupt fault with low signal noise ratio detection based on adaptive wavelet packet transform According to the nonstationary character of process observation signal, by using the wavelet packet transform proposed by Coifman, a new signal dependent method of detecting abrupt fault with low signal noise ratio based on best compression criterion has been proposed.
  10. The flow and specifications of a 35000 m~3/h air separation unit with internal compression flow have been introduced. After detailed cause analysis of nitrogen block in raw argon column, the measures for eliminating the fault have been described.
  11. Research on Test Response Compression Methods in AMU Fault Detection
  12. Functional Test and Fault Test Data Compression on Digital Signal Processor IP Core
  13. Briefly discussed in the paper includes also the two-dimensional compression algorithm such as DCT for the fault recording data.
  14. Novel Compression Scheme of Fault Recording Data in Power Systems Based on Lifting Algorithm
  15. Study on the Best Crossing Angle Between Pipe line and Fault Considering Compression Failure of Pipe
  16. Research on transmission of fault recorder file based on lossy compression method and the selection of file transfer protocol
  17. The thrusting activity of the Tan Lu fault zone and the inversion structures of the Hefei basin took place in the regional dynamic setting that back arc spreading caused by westward subduction of the Pacific plate led to the almost EW compression of eastern China continent.
  18. Analysis the reasons of faults to filter, introduces the innovations to such main fault positions of filter as the compression unit of pan, the fork of tilting pan, charging bucket and carrier wheels etc.
  19. Under compression, two kinds of main fault combination were formed in the Kalpin fault uplift: imbricate thrust sheets and tectonic windows.
  20. Fault fracture network system resulting from compression deformation provided pathway for migration of ore fluid.

compression fault

compression fault


mistake: 最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。
flaw: 指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷。
shortcoming: 指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。
error: 指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。
defect: 普通用词。指表面上的缺陷,或指人或物本质上的缺点。
slip: 指因疏忽或无意而造成的差错。
fault: 一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。
blunder: 通常指由于无知或情况不明造成判断或行动上的大错。