column switching是什么意思 column switching在线中文翻译

column switching

column switching 双语例句

  1. Switching arc can be thought as a column because of its self-magnetic field pinch effect. Arc column is deformed by magnetic force that produced by circuit current flow. If the arc image was acquired from a orthongonal direction to arc column deformation force.
  2. Equation oriented dynamic model is constructed for the multi-column system of depropanizer and debutanizer in ethylene separation plant. The dynamic simulations are focused on the start-up process and the switching processes between different working points. And the results of dynamic simulations are compared with the results of steady simulations using Aspen Plus.
    将乙烯分离流程中两个重要精馏单元脱丙烷塔和脱丁烷塔作为研究对象,对联塔的大规模系统进行动态模型搭建,在启动和工作点变换等多个动态变化过程进行模拟,并将动态模拟最终达到稳定的结果与Aspen Plus稳态模拟结果比较。
  3. Determination of theophylline in dog plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with column switching
  4. Determination of ppb level anions in sulfolane by ion chromatography with a novel column-switching injection system;
  5. The aromatics in gasoline, aviation kerosene and diesel was separated well by capillary GC using column switching-backflushing technique and quantitatively analyzed by normalization method.
  6. Capillary Gas Chromatographic Column Switching-Backflushing Technique for the Analysis of Aromatics in Aviation Kerosene by Normalization Method
  7. A simple and efficient method based on the technique of capillary column switching back flushing was developed for the detailed analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline.
  8. Analysis of polymer impurities in related substances of benzylpenicillin sodium by HPLC-column-switching
  9. Some reasons why one would want to flow a column in the opposite direction include backflushing operations in column switching, rinsing a column with stubborn strongly sorbed sample at its entrance (a shorter path length than to flush the insoluble materials through the entire column length), and flushing trapped particulates to decrease pressure buildup.
  10. Measurement of total hydrocarbon content in high-purity argon with column switching-back flushing technique
  11. To establish a simple HPLC column switching method for measuring cefradine in human serum.
  12. A direct injection method for isolation and determination of tetracyclines, which includes oxytetracycline (OTC), tetracycline (TC), and chlortetracycline (CTC) in honey by a high performance liquid chromatographic column switching system is presented.
  13. The technique of column-switching could alter the connections between injection valve and column, column and column, column and detector.
  14. The plasma amoxicillin and clavulanic acid concentration of the volunteers were determined by column-switching HPLC.
  15. Intellectual multi - column high performance liquid chromatographic system (IMC - HPLG) is a new conception based on both column switching HPLC and intellectual technology.
  16. A column switching technique composed of two columns in series connection was adopted in direct injection analysis of mitomycin C in plasma by HPLC.
  17. In this study, trace anions in complex matrix of high concentration were determined using ion chromatography with single-pump column-switching technique.
  18. Column-Switching High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Application to Food Inspection
  19. Determination of Sulpiride in Rat Plasma by Column-switching High Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Restricted-access Media
  20. Methods: A HPLC method with column switching technique was used.

column switching

column switching