coherent oscillation是什么意思 coherent oscillation在线中文翻译

coherent oscillation

coherent oscillation 双语例句

  1. An equivalent circuit model for heterostructure LD is presented considering the case of weak coherent optical feedback effect and high photon density so as to improve the accuracy of model. Creatively cooperating the solve rate equation with the microwave network theory, a noise equivalent circuit model for LD is given so that the laser noise simulation is not only limited in calculation. In regard of the feature of high-speed low-threshold laser a new method for LD model parameter extraction is presented only by using the characteristics of near-threshold port impedance and the relaxation oscillation frequency characteristics above the threshold. On the basis of above work a quantum well laser equivalent circuit model is given compatible with heterostructure laser considering separate confinement heterostructure and thermionic emission effect.
  2. The slowdown of light resulting from dramatic change of refractive index by spectra hole which is produced by coherent population oscillation is investigated in a ruby crystal at 514.5 nm from Ar + laser.
  3. It is found that the phase can be used to modify the absorption-dispersion characteristic of the system. This striking behavior is the result of coherence interference between two contributions of coherent population oscillation and four wave mixing effects.
  4. We demonstrate electrical and optical controls of fast light using the coherent population oscillation (CPO) and four wave mixing (FWM) in the gain regime of QW SOAs.
  5. In different areas, using the spin coherent states path integral method, we show that the ground state energy and the effective magnetic moment of the system exhibit an interesting macroscopic quantum oscillation (MQO) phenomenon.
  6. When driving is strong enough, the population difference exhibits undamped large-amplitude coherent oscillation.
  7. The oscillation of photon number distribution and the purity in an odd or even coherent state are investigated with the characteristic function methods.
  8. An integrated surface multi-junction MOMOM (metal-oxide-metal-oxide-metal) is reported and coherent electro-magnetic oscillation is observed in the low frequency range.
  9. While in this paper, we use erbium-doped fibers with different concentration, make the group velocity slow down based on the coherent population oscillation (CPO).

coherent oscillation

coherent oscillation