coaxial jack是什么意思 coaxial jack在线中文翻译

coaxial jack

coaxial jack 双语例句

  1. So when we bought a house in New Jersey with an aged antenna on top, I climbed up to the roof and spliced the wires to a coaxial jack, which I plugged into the back of our television.
  2. Here are revealed six ports high speed USB; port IEEE1394; two net connectors of type RJ45, thediagnostic light-emitting diodes; coaxial SPDIF inand out; PS/2 ports for the connection of keyboard and mouse; and, with the installation Of karajan audio module, – six audio jack.
  3. Like the PRO model, the PAD employs a D-connector-terminated breakout harness with coaxial digital in and out via RCA jacks, AES/EBU in and out via male and female XLR connectors, and analog out via an in-line TRS jack—but the PAD also incorporates digital input via another TRS jack.
    像专业模型,垫采用一个D -连接器端突破利用与同轴数字和退出( S/PDIF输出)通过RCA插孔,AES公司/欧洲广播联盟和退出通过男性和女性的XLR连接器,并通过模拟了在线6.3毫米插孔,但业绩还包括数字输入通过一个6.3毫米插孔。

coaxial jack

un. 同轴插孔
coaxial jack