close quote是什么意思 close quote在线中文翻译

close quote

close quote 双语例句

  1. Never do I know clearly about the real points of the cost of KA, figure that KA quote, and figure that our business personnel offered in the reports is widely different at all times, it is a confused account, I can only open an eye to close, but how is the trade clause of next year discussed?
  2. CMO Joe Tripodi describes how Allstate`s marketing scorecard tracks customer progression through key milestones such as quote rates, close rates, cross-sales and renewals.
  3. Vanke gold prices are close to the current mileage of 20, 000/square meter, while in the beginning of this year, the external -16000 quote for 15, 000 yuan RMB/square meter.
  4. Look for jobs in the economic crisis, the influence of many enterprises in China due to the economic crisis, reduced cost, cost low, employment, and more difficult than usual arts class especially economy class, and more than science classes are hard to find, many people appear this kind of situation, still be inferior to hide in the school years, a research, this is what under the ease of his employment pressure, the more affected students this year is about to enter oneself for an examination professional good? What reported last this time is to learn is the most appropriate building, but the financial turmoil caused by the housing bubble, who still dare to quote, watching the IT industry, feel the scenery, actually this professional very few of my friends is to learn IT, but is mixed in computer city after a few years, turned out, because IT is only now do to endure the hero in the dry air units, such as what is now the network economy, many companies in winter to southeast Asia, and also to obtain employment is close to a further challenge~The economic crisis can maintain, how can I have no answer, Chinese people also have no answer, and even the whole world will give specific answer, the most important thing is to get out of your own way, slowly to explore the road, I think there will be effective!!!
  5. If the VIX SOQ is calculated using predominantly bid prices, or predominantly ask prices, there may be a significant difference between the exercise settlement value for VIX options and the reported VIX values (based on mid-quote prices) on expiration day as well as at the close on the day before expiration.
  6. To quote the contractor to ensure that their requests for proposals and signed by the person in charge on time, the seal (and in the location of the seal's stamp Qifeng Zhang, marked marketing proposals to promote the word) of the Company returned to the address below and close contact.
  7. Another quote from the show that hits close to home for many Shanghairen is, " To buy an apartment in Shanghai, you dig a tomb for yourself, then bury your love. "
  8. Another quote from the show that hits close to home for many Shanghairen is," To buy an apartment in Shanghai, you dig a tomb for yourself, then bury your love. "

close quote

[网络] 引号的下一半;右引号;说话人表示引用句之结束
close quote


cite: 指引经据典以示证明或凭据。
quote: 指不加剪裁的直接引用原文或原话。
repeat: 仅强调口头或笔头重复别人的话或字句,并不必指明出处。

conclude: 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。
finish: 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。
accomplish: 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。
terminate: 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。
complete: 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。
end: 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。
close: 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。

shut: 着重关闭的动作、过程和方式手段。
slam: 象声词,指“砰的关上”,或用力关上。
close: 较多地用于正式或庄重的文体中,如关闭铁路、公路以及其它交通渠道,要用close。

near: 语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无“紧接,接触”的含义。
nearby: 指距离上很近,近在咫尺。
close: 语气强于near。指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味。

closely: 紧紧地,紧密地 closely connected,
close: 接近,靠近, stand close

familiar: 通常指因长期交往而彼此很熟悉,像自家人一样。
intimate: 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。
confidential: 指相互之间可推心置腹、彼此信赖。
close: 语气较强,指兴趣爱好相同,因而关系密切,感情深笃。