claudius是什么意思 claudius在线中文翻译

Claudius 英 [ˈklɔ:diəs] 美 [ˈklɔdiəs]

Claudius 网络解释

  1. 克劳狄
  2. 革老丢
    ...提庇留殁后(AD37),他被 释放出来,因他极力讨好该撒加利古拉(Caligula)及革 老丢(Claudius)之故,故将他叔父腓力死后所留下之 封地接管过来;后来他另一叔父希律安提帕殁后 (AD39),革老丢将安提帕的管辖区也交他接管,在主 后四一年时,...
  3. 克劳迪亚斯
    ...传说在古罗马时代,有一位暴君叫做克劳迪亚斯(Claudius). 他的宫殿附近有一座非常漂亮的神庙,主教瓦伦丁(Valentine)就住在那里. 当时的罗马人都非常崇敬这位主教,经常聚集在他周围,聆听他的祈祷. 问题3:叙述你或者你想象中的最囧(JIONG)的一次恋爱经历~[限原创;...

Claudius 双语例句

  1. Her father, on the other hand, was born Appius Claudius Pulcher and was adopted as an infant by M.
  2. At this period Tiberius Claudius Nero, in his nineteenth year, began his public life as quaestor.
  3. When Claudius successfully invaded in 43, it was in aid of another fugitive British ruler, this time Verica of the Atrebates.
  4. It was in A. D.43 that the Emperor Claudius decided to carry out the actual conquer of the island.
  5. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully.
  6. The successful invasion did not take place until nearly a century later, in AD43, headed by the Emperor Claudius.
  7. Agrippina is considered to be the murderer, because she was ambitious for her son, Nero, and Claudius had become suspicious of her intrigues.
  8. Many a century has passed, people could not remember the congress Claudius and could not remember his scepter and sword. But still commemorate Valentine brother, because that day is Valentinesday. It was Valentine's Day.
  9. In addition, he attended the lectures of Sextus of Chaeronea, 17 the nephew of Plutarch, and of Junius Rusticus, 18 Claudius Maximus, 19 and Cinna Catulus, 20 all Stoics.
  10. I will tell you again. It is not I but you and that dirty Claudius that should repent.
  11. I will tell you again. It is not I you and that dirty Claudius that should repent.
  12. I will tell youagain. It is not I but you and that dirty Claudius that shouldrepent.
  13. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
  14. I tell you again. I was not killed by a poisonous snake, but by my brother Claudius.
  15. I will tell you again. It is not I you that dirty Claudius that should repent.
  16. He said goodnight to Claudius and Gertrude, pretending that he was happy that night.
  17. On the way to his mother's room, Hamlet saw Claudius kneeling down to pray in his room.
  18. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns.
  19. Valentinus performed secret weddings after Claudius banned marriage to prevent soldiers from deserting his armies.
  20. Legenda Aurea still providing no connections whatsoever with sentimental love, appropriate lore has been embroidered in modern times to portray Valentine as a priest who refused an unattested law attributed to Roman Emperor Claudius II, allegedly ordering that young men remain single.
    圣徒传记,并没有记载任何令人感伤的情爱。现时里,渲染了适当的传说,将 Valentine 视为一个神父,拒绝执行一项 Claudius 二世未经试验的法律。这法律被声称为,禁止年轻男人结婚。

Claudius 单语例句

  1. Condemned by Emperor Claudius II for refusing to denounce his faith, he was beaten with clubs and stoned before being beheaded on Feb 14 AD 269.
  2. Valentine not only refused, but he tried to convert Claudius II to Christianity.
  3. Legend has it that Claudius II outlawed marriage as a way to encourage men to join his army.

Claudius ['klɔ:diәs]

n. 克劳迪亚斯(Claude的异体)(m.)
n. Roman Emperor after his nephew Caligula was murdered; consolidated the Roman Empire and conquered southern Britain; was poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina after her son Nero was named as Claudius' heir (10 BC to AD 54)