classical marxism是什么意思 classical marxism在线中文翻译

classical Marxism

classical Marxism 双语例句

  1. In order to put Marxism Economics int o use in the socialist market economy and develop Marx-ismEconomics even better in practic e of the socialist market economy, th is article divides Marx-ism Economics into Classical Marxis m Economics and Modern Marxism Economics, and then, the article analyzes the contr adiction between Classical Marxism Economics and the reali-ty from various research angles of th e aim, object and contents.
  2. Manuscript is the source of theory of not only the classical Marxism aesthetics but also postclassical Marxism aesthetics. So, we cannot leave Manuscript when we build and develop the Marxism's aesthetics.
  3. In the basis of their analysis and animadversion on the views of the earlier ideologists, the classical authors of Marxism explained their views of right by the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
  4. Using the landtax theory of classical economics and Marxism plutonomy, we analyze the essential and root of the problems concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers.
  5. Marxism and the research of Chinese classical literature of the twentieth century have gone through the process of combining, separating and recombining.
  6. Naturalization of Marxism in China: the Classical Literature Contestation Research of 20 Century
  7. The source of the real socialist society's internal contradictions is its specialty which has a great gap with Marxism classical socialist formation theory.
  8. By analyzing the development history of western law theories and classical Marxism theories, the author draws the conclusion as follows: the regular development of law has the foundation of social logos.
  9. The Law of Marxism is a classical writers of Marx, Engels and the Marxist theory of the creation, development and application of legal doctrine.
  10. By having done all these work, we know that the truth of Marxism philosophy is intrinsically a significance, which embodies the classical works, and includes understanding of the classical works, even how to read understanding o*f the classical works.
  11. This is precisely the kind of religion that classical Marxism critiques: a religion that exists to keep the slave the slave, to keep the poor, poor; to keep the downtrodden, downtrodden.
  12. They put forward to regard the " contingency " as the core concept, with " articulate " for basic means of the " discourse " analytic theories, and to deconstruct the " economic determinism " and the " classical determinism " inside the traditional Marxism.
  13. The three component parts of Marxism came into being in the course of their study of, as well as their struggle with, such bourgeois things as German classical philosophy, English classical political economy and French utopian socialism.
  14. Marxism claims that the complex labor is equal to multi times of the simple labor, but it is a bottleneck problem to transform the complex labor into multi times of the simple labor when classical economics of education studies the relation between education and economic growth.
  15. O'Connor declares that there is a theoretical vacuum in classical Marxism, i. e. the absence of nature in historical materialism.
  16. Marxism as the formation of its founder Marx and Engels is not only rich in revolutionary practice also criticized the inheritance of the German classical philosophy, British classical political science and French Utopian socialist predecessors of these great theoretical results.
  17. Kant's purpose discussion not only influenced directly to the classical Germany philosophy and modern western philosophy but influenced the Marxism philosophy deeply.
  18. A General Theory of Exploitation, which was published in 1982 by John E. Roemer, is one of classical writings in the school of the Analytical Marxism.
  19. They put forward to regard the " contingency " as the core concept, with " articulate " for basic means of the " discourse " analytic theories, and to deconstruct the " economic determinism " and the " classical determinism " inside the traditional Marxism.
  20. O'Connor declares that there is a theoretical vacuum in classical Marxism, i.e.the absence of nature in historical materialism.

classical Marxism

classical Marxism


classical: 古典的
classic: 第一流的;