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Cibotium 词典解释

形容词[医] 金毛狗属

Cibotium 网络解释

  1. 金毛狗蕨属;鲸口蕨属
    ...壶状菌亚目 Chytridiineae | 金毛狗蕨属;鲸口蕨属 Cibotium | 金毛狗脊(蕨) Cibotium barometz J. Smith...

Cibotium 双语例句

  1. Methods: 56 cases of cold-damp syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis were treated with Self-made Hanbikang capsule (Root of Thickstem Gentian, Asarum, Black-snake, Cibotium barometaz, Ledebouriella Root, Orientvine).
  2. In our researches, on the basis of chemical and pharmacological studies, processing principle of the rhizome of Cibotium barometz was discussed. After it was processed, the content of effective constituents increased and the irritant constituents decreased.
  3. There are three main points as follows: first, Cibotium barometz demand highly on habitat, its population generally grow in environmental of acidic soil, rich content, high density canopy, and the northwest and northeast slope to the edge of the gutter.
  4. Determination of Phospholipid in Cibotium barometz By Supercritical Fluid Extraction and RP-HPLC
  5. Aim:It is to study the effect of Cibotium barometz on adjuvant arthritis with deficiency in the kidney.
  6. In order to discover biological active compounds from the rich Chinese plant sources and make full use of them, the chemical constituents in the dry rhizome of Cibotium baromatz L.
    植物。为了充分开发利用我国丰富的植物资源,以及从植物中寻找新的生物活性物质,揭示金毛狗脊的生物活性物质基础,本论文对产于我国江西的蚌壳蕨科金毛狗属的植物金毛狗脊Cibotium baromatzL。
  7. Methods The essential oil Ⅰ and Ⅱ were extracted from the root of Cibotium barometz with CO 2 supercritical fluids by two grades isolation and analysed by GC-MS.
    采用超临界CO2 流体萃取技术提取其精油部分,经二级解析分离出精油Ⅰ和Ⅱ。并用GC -MS -联用技术进行分离和鉴定。
  8. Families, 62 genus and 107 species of Pteridophyte resources have been found in Meihuashan mountain, west of Fujian province, which include more than 5 species of resources like Selaginellaceae, Pteridaceae, Athyriaceae, Aspleniaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Dryopteridaceae and Polypodiaceae and over 4 genus of plants like Selaginella, Plagiogyria, Pteris, Asplenium, Cyclosorus and Arachniodes as well as Cibotium barometz, the second state specially-protected Pteridophyte.


[医] 金毛狗属
n in some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae: ornamental tree ferns with coarse gracefully drooping fronds