chronic exposure是什么意思 chronic exposure在线中文翻译

chronic exposure

chronic exposure 双语例句

  1. In chronic lead exposure total CREB content had no obvious changes.
  2. These chronic exposure s failed to produce any measurable changes in the general appearance, appearance of teeth, activity, growth, mortality, blood, serum chemistry, or fluorine content of the teeth and bones of the rats tested.
  3. The purpose of this paper was to explore the impact factors on prognosis of workers with chronic benzene poisoning whose WBC count was still below 4×109/L even they had been withdrew from benzene exposure for years.
    探讨慢性苯中毒工人在脱离苯作业后白细胞水平仍然低下的影响因素。对 12 0例曾经苯中毒者,按外周血白细胞计数,分为× 10 9/L和≥ 4× 10 9/L两组,比较两组之诊断年龄、接苯工龄、体质指数均数和CYP2E1、MPO、NQO1、GSTM1和GSTT1各基因型的构成比,并用Logistic回归构建苯中毒预后的风险模型。
  4. This study suggests that the spontaneous activity in Nacc neurons of rat could be inhibited by the chronic ethanol exposure.
  5. To investigate the neural mechanism of ethanol dependence, the alteration of the EEG and their power spectra in the Nacc of the rats during chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal were analyzed. Stainless steel recording electrodes were implanted in rats'Nacc in advance.
  6. Malignancy following enteric bladder augmentation arose in 4.5%(7/153) of our patients and was associated with coexisting carcinogenic stimuli (prolonged tobacco/chronic immunosuppressive exposure), or alternatively with the inherent risk of malignancy existing with bladder exstrophy.
    我们研究的接受肠道膀胱扩大术的患者有4.5 %( 7/153 )发生了恶性肿瘤,恶性肿瘤的发生与共存的致癌刺激(长期烟草/慢性免疫抑制剂的服用)有关,或者与膀胱外翻固有的恶性肿瘤发生风险相关。
  7. According to the results from many well-done studies of domestic and international authoritative institutions on relationship of PM10 and health impact, our research identified the Exposure-Response functions in terms of acute and chronic effects associated with increase of unit pollutant.
  8. Long-term exposure to sulfur dioxide on the one hand, people who stimulate the upper respiratory tract caused by bronchial smooth muscle contraction reflex, respiratory resistance increased, the decline of respiratory function; on the other hand, and stimulate the Mucosal loss, so that the increased mucous secretion Bianchou, cilia movement blocked, immune function, leading to respiratory tract Drop resistance, induced by different levels of inflammation, such as chronic nasopharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and emphysema, and so on.
  9. Stotts believes chronic exposure over long periods of time has the most damaging effect.
  10. Bases on vast public survey, this article introduces recent field studies on chronic arsenic poisoning from three aspects: exposure history, clinical symptoms and laboratory evidences, and also explains the meaning of each index to the determination of chronic arsenic poisoning, then bring forward some considerations on further epidemiological studies on chronic arsenic poisoning.
  11. In this cases, there are three achilles tendon exposure accompanied sof tissue defect for trauma, one chronic ulcer of anterior tibial area, one chronic ulcer of lateral mallelous. Results All flaps wered surrived in five patients.
  12. Methods Five cases soft tissue defect of lower third ofleg were repaired with reversed island flap pedicled with nutrient vessels of sural nerve. In this cases, there are three achilles tendon exposure accompanied sof tissue defect for trauma, one chronic ulcer of anterior tibial area, one chronic ulcer of lateral mallelous.
  13. On the contrary, compared with the corresponding control group, chronic cold stress resulted in a significant increase of PGE2 content and COX-2 mRNA expression, and the effects of chronic stress increased while the period of cold exposure prolonged.
    结果显示,急性冷应激时空肠黏膜PGE2含量和COX-2 mRNA的表达量无显著变化;慢性冷应激时,空肠黏膜PGE2含量和COX-2 mRNA表达量均显著升高,并随着冷应激时间的延长而降低。
  14. Action changes in both the period of exposure and convalescence were observed periodically using acute and chronic inhalation, and changes of anatomy and histology of respiratory organ were observed, too.
  15. Exposure to dusts and other harmful materials in the air can lead to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  16. Objective To explore the chronic effect of low levels of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibcnzo-p-dioxin exposure on the protein expression profile in the serum of rats and to get the further understanding of the molecular mechanism of TCDD toxicity.
    目的 探讨低剂量二英慢性暴露对雄性大鼠血清蛋白表达的影响,进一步加深对二英毒性机制的理解。
  17. B. Chronic anovulation and progesterone deficiency in this transition period may lead to long periods of unopposed estrogen exposure and endometrial hyperplasia.
  18. Flight crews also face chronic exposure to cosmic radiation, which is a hazard for pregnant women as well.
  19. Both high doses and chronic exposure are harmful to children, says Abramson.
  20. Experiments have shown there to be no harmful effects from chronic exposure to acetylene at high concentrations.

chronic exposure 单语例句

  1. Long term exposure to excessive pesticide residue may be a cause of chronic illness.
  2. Aftereffects of the exposure seriously impaired their immune systems and left them with chronic respiratory disease.
  3. The agency is particularly concerned about chronic exposure to DEG in children and in people with kidney or liver disease.

chronic exposure

un. 慢性曝光;长时间弱辐照
[网络] 慢性照射;慢性暴露;慢性照射量
chronic exposure


exposure: 暴露,揭露,一般指不好的事情
printing: 印刷,出版
release: 释放,出版,一般用来指唱片,电影的发行,强调经过努力才得以发表
publication: 发表,公之于众