chopper supply是什么意思 chopper supply在线中文翻译

chopper supply

chopper supply 双语例句

  1. This paper describes a transistor chopper with the great power supply of 200V, the output current up to 60A, the chopping frequency of 2kHz, and the resistiye experimental load or inductive load up to 2.5H, and it has been successfully applied to a great power magnetic suspension system.
  2. In this paper, using unity power factor PWM rectifier and chopper circuit, it establishes a new type of switching power supply about PWM input rectifier circuit.
  3. SUPPLY:Blender, Juice Extractor, BBQ Grill, Pizza Maker, Chopper, Iron
  4. Contrapose to the disadvantage of traditional maglev chopper whose output current ripple becomes larger with the increase of power supply voltage, we have worked out tri-level maglev chopper whose current ripple is basically has nothing to do with the power supply voltage.
  5. Design and accomplishment of DC stabilized current supply based on Buck Chopper circuits with multiphase and multiple topology configuration
  6. Energy Saving Effect Analyzing of EDM Pulsed Power Supply with Cyclically Superimposed Chopper Circuit
  7. The chopper power regulation of induction heating power supply is usually adopted by hard chopper, which limits the improvements of power and frequence because of the significant loss of power devices.
  8. The chopper also may supply other uses, for instance the Chinese native medicine profession available cuts to pieces the hard Chinese medicine stem pole and so on.
  9. A GTO dc chopper is adopted for the main power supply while the switch mode control with derivative feedback loop is adopted for the main controller.
  10. A chopper output offers the possibility to connect a braking resistor for applications where large amounts of power are fed back to the power supply.

chopper supply

chopper supply


equip: 侧重提供与技术有关的装备或设备等
furnish: 多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或为生活舒适提供所需的服务设施
present: 既可指提出意见建议等,又可指拿出某物供人欣赏或赠送
provide: 与supply近义,但强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用贮备等方法作充分准备
volunteer: 侧重出于自愿,而不是奉命做某事
propose: 指直接而主动地提出问题或建议等,也指在讨论或争辩中提出具体意见或建议
supply: 普通用词,指提供任何所需求的东西
offer: 多指主动提出或提供意见或东西等,但是否接受由对方自行决定
afford: 一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付