chip fat是什么意思 chip fat在线中文翻译

chip fat

chip fat 双语例句

  1. SS 50 is a heavy-duty mineral cutting oil blended with high quality active sulphurised fat and chlorinated additives. SS 50 can effectively improve the tool life and surface finishing by preventing localised welding between the chip and tool.
    洛斯 SS 50是一款高負荷礦物油切削油,配合了活性硫脂肪及氯化物等極壓添加劑,能有效地防止刀具與碎屑之間的局部熔合,從而提高光潔度及刀具使用壽命。
  2. Son, seven and a half months when the fall in the hospital-borne diarrhea pull seven days, eating Smith Tatsu, MAMIAI new Bolin, compound low finno lipid film Well, one day after accidentally eating a bit of soup and then began to degenerate diarrhea, I thought that was not good after the fall of diarrhea, and five days to eat the above drugs no good to the hospital for tests after doctors said stool almost into dysentery, and interleukin 2 plus a plus red blood cells, eight days after the fighting vanguard of bismuth, two Xiyanping, not good to eat after 8 pay Chinese medicine, Western medicine in small clinics, continuing for more than a month are not good, between the color of stool are drugs, medication during the day to be able to pull 4, 5 times, a stop on the number of drugs increased, it is quality of water samples, sometimes with milk valve, a few days before eating the seven days, sub-cang tablets, folic acid tablets, low-fat chip Fenno, athletes Xiaoshi Oral Liquid, Bifido capsule has just finished, but to take medicine or 3, 4 times during the day, most of Latin America in临睡前or night.
  3. Instead, buy cookies sweetened with fruit juice that are lower in fat, such as Fabe's brand, which have 90 calories and only 4 g of fat per serving (3 very small chocolate chip cookies).
  4. Forget chip fat, sugar cane or rapeseed oil the latest source of biofuel could be watermelons.
  5. Methods: ADSCs were obtained from the inguinal fat pads of SD rats by type I collagenase digestion and density gradient centrifugation. Adipogenic differentiation of the third generation of ADSCs was induced with the adipogenic medium (α-MEM medium supplemented with 100 mL/L fetal bovine serum, 1 μmol/L dexamethasone, 10 μmol/L insulin, 200 μmol/L indomethacin, and 0.5 mmol/L 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) prior to applying miRNA chip technology for examination of miRNA-27b. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) was used to detect the expression of miRNA-27b. Moreover, the bioinformatics analysis was utilized to discuss adipogenic-related function of the miRNA-27b.
  6. As a whole, this paper introduces audio compress algorithmic in the international still image compress standard MPEG I Layer III, mp3 file format, soft validating of the algorithmics, and transplanting the algorithmic to digital signal processor, the realization of fixation for float procedure and optimization for some special mp3 decode module, the realization of software mp3 decode system based on DSP and system hardware. In addition, the realization of mass data store and transfer for digital consumer is significant. The interface between microchip and DSP has been implemented, the combination of DMA and MCBSP in DSP chip control mp3 data play.
    概括起来,本文的主要工作有对MPEG I LAYER III标准进行了整理和解释、基于单片机的大容量MP3播放器实现,对基于PC机的MP3解码程序进行了移植、将它依据TI 标准的C语言来实现,对浮点的MP3解码程序进行了定点化,以及对某些关键算法实现了快速算法,设计了基于DSP的MP3解码播放系统的硬件部分,调试并通过了基于DSP系统的外围电路接口部分,包括单片机按照FAT32协议正确读取CF卡的数据;单片机按照HPI接口标准向DSP内部传送MP3码流数据;通过DMA联合MCBSP来传送解码后的PCM音频数据;语音播放芯片AIC23的控制与播放等。

chip fat

chip fat


fat: 多指动物性脂肪,常为固态。
grease: 通常指经加热变柔软的油脂。
oil: 泛指植物、动物和矿物性液体油。

stout: 指膀粗腰圆,身体笨重,暗示肥壮。
plump: 指胖得匀称好看,有曲线感。
fat: 通俗用词,略含贬义。指因体内脂肪过多而显肥胖。