chair a meeting是什么意思 chair a meeting在线中文翻译

chair a meeting

chair a meeting 双语例句

  1. The chair; person in charge of a meeting
  2. After a process class`s deathly stillness, the preparation must conclude, central sang the school song together everybody to the drill ground the meeting pennant, but our class nobody sang nearly, saw that was so happy to five classes I after a little not to envy them, has been good, all personnel returned together the chair the classroom!
  3. President Barack Obama becomes the first US President to chair a summit-level meeting of the UN Security Council today.
  4. In a press briefing, Rosalie Hagge, MD, SNM vice chair of the oncology/hematology section of the annual meeting program, explained the value of the camera. She said the currently widely used gamma probe is kind of a blunt tool in terms of getting an idea of how many nodes are involved, or where they are in relation to one another. It can only tell you where the most activity is generally centered.
  5. Ms. van Dijk did have one quibble: She was shown falling off a chair while meeting Dr. Oz in the episode.
  6. In response to criticism, Mr Obama on Wednesday cancelled a presidential trip to fundraising events in New Jersey and Connecticut to chair a meeting of senior cabinet members responsible for confronting the threat of Ebola in the US.
  7. He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of EU foreign ministers
  8. I recently had to chair a meeting and discovered monstrous microphones in the middle of the room, recording every word, which had apparently been the previous custom because of disputes about minutes.
  9. Wilson Pastor-Morris, the Ecuadorean natural resources minister who will chair the Opec meeting, said there was a consensus behind output levels.
  10. The President returns a chair to its place after a meeting in the Oval Office.
  11. Since the International Club meets only once every semester for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to elect a person from one of our Foreign clubs to chair our meeting.
  12. To chair a meeting is to lead the meeting.
  13. He took time out to chair a meeting of local officials.
  14. Ms Merkel still intends to chair a cabinet meeting on Wednesday - the first gathering of all her coalition ministers.
  15. Liver enzyme levels during pregnancy were also lower in cases than controls, lead author Dr. Gian Carlo Di Renzo, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Perugia, and his colleagues reported in a poster at the annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
    意大利佩鲁贾大学妇产科主任、文章第一作者 Gian Carlo Di Renzo 博士及其同事在母胎医学协会年会的壁报上报告称,食用黑巧克力组孕妇妊娠期肝酶水平亦显著低于对照组。

chair a meeting 单语例句

  1. Prime Minister David Cameron has resumed his holiday in Cornwall after he cut it short on Monday to chair a Libya meeting.
  2. The ASEAN Summit is held twice a year, with the 10 members taking turns to chair the meeting.
  3. A chair member can also have access to meeting rooms, catering and other services for an extra charge.

chair a meeting

[网络] 主持会议;主持开会;有效率地主持会议
chair a meeting


armchair: 指有扶手的椅子。
chair: 通常指带有靠背的椅子,有时也指有靠背有扶手的椅子。
bench: 指可供两人或更多人坐的长凳或石凳,多置于公园或划艇中。
stool: 多指方的或圆的无靠背无扶手一人坐的凳子。

rally: 指大规模的群众性政治集会。
congress: 指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。
session: 一般指议会等召开的正式会议。
assembly: 多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。
meeting: 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于任何场合。
gathering: 指两人以上的聚会或集会,强调非正式性。
convention: 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。
conference: 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。
council: 在国际上多指由各国代表参加的政治会议,或常设的政治机构。在国内、地方上,此词多指常设的政务领导机构,如市政委员会等。