cell agglutinin是什么意思 cell agglutinin在线中文翻译

cell agglutinin

cell agglutinin 双语例句

  1. In some cell lines there is a similar periodicity in changes of cell surface antigenicity or response to wheat germ agglutinin.
  2. Displaying the protein of Mycoplasma gallisepticum agglutinin on the cell surface of Bacillus thuringiensis with the S-layer protein.
    利用苏云金芽胞杆菌的 S-层蛋白在其表面展示鸡毒支原体凝集素蛋白。
  3. Sperm nucleoprotein and carbohydrate residues on cell membrane were respectively studied by using aniline blue staining and lectin WGA (wheat germ agglutinin).
  4. Absorption-inhibition test was carried out to prove that the agglutinin existing in anti-human hemoglobin precipitin serum is essentially anti-human red blood cell agglutinin.
  5. Objective To explore the influence of cold agglutinin, platelet aggregation, erythroblast and blood cell debris on WBC count, and look for the solution methods.
  6. Effects of Monoclonal Antibody Against the Major Cell Surface Protein on Salivary Agglutinin Mediated Aggregation of Streptococcus sobrinus
  7. The galanthus nivalis agglutinin is one kind of plant mannose combine agglutinin, it can integrate on the glycoprotein acceptor of insect enteron epithelial cell, and produces partial or system poisons to the insect and suppresses its growth.
  8. For the harmful effects from the agglutinin activity, we tried to use the non-cytotoxic dosage with heating treatment to study the immunomodulatory effects on the human moncytes and the inhibitory effect on U 937 cell lines.
    而在前人的研究亦指出,白凤豆内含的亲醣蛋白,大部份为Concanavalin A,具有增强免疫力及抗癌作用,不过在服用后却容易使人有反胃、呕吐等副作用产生。
  9. β galactose glucoside agglutinin in human stomach cancer was injected into abdominal cavity of mice to detect the effect of immune. We observed the hemolysin, antibody forming cell (AFC), larger granular lymphocyte (LGL) and rate of lymphocyte transfer.
  10. Application of anti-human red blood cell agglutinin serun
  11. The changes of (h-2~b) histocompatibility antigen and peanut agglutinin receptor during induced differentiation of cloned F9 teratocarcinoma cell lines by retinoic acid
  12. ABO blood group and serum agglutinin were identified in recipients and donors before transplantion. The amount of PBSC was controlled under 200ml for minor ABO-mismatched and major plus minor ABO-mismatched. The amount of red blood cell in peripheral blood stem cell was controlled under 10 ml during the harvest of mononuc-leocyte for major ABO-mismatched.

cell agglutinin

cell agglutinin


prison: 指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。
cell: 指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。
jail: (英国英语拼写为gaol)指收犯轻罪的人或未经判决的人的处所。