cavia是什么意思 cavia在线中文翻译


Cavia 词典解释

形容词[医] 豚鼠属

Cavia 网络解释

  1. 豚鼠属
    ...天竺鼠(又称豚鼠)属啮齿目(Rodentia)豪猪亚目(Hystricomorpha)豚鼠科(Caviidae)豚鼠亚科(Caviinae) 豚鼠属(Cavia) 豚鼠种(Cavia porcellus). 豚鼠科中包括了兔豚鼠(Mara)及水豚. 兔豚鼠(马拉豚鼠)体长达70公分,重可达16公斤左右,...

Cavia 双语例句

  1. Guinea pig Any of various small, short-eared domesticated rodents of the genus Cavia, having variously colored hair and no visible tail.
  2. It pointed out that the Guinea pig was the Cavia aparoea, while the common pig was the genus Sus of the family Suidae.
  3. Smond salmon with cavia
  4. Objective After Intense pulsed light irradiation cavia cobaya skin, to evaluate the histological change of skin with HE stains; to evaluate the collagen fiber change with nitroxanthic acid stains; to quantitative analysis of hydroxyproline content. Confirm mechanism of action for Intense pulsed light on sun-damaged human skin.
    目的 用强脉冲光照射豚鼠背部皮肤后,通过HE染色观察皮肤组织学的改变;用苦味酸染色观察皮肤胶原纤维的改变;定量分析豚鼠皮肤羟脯氨酸的含量,观察皮肤胶原蛋白的变化,进一步研究强脉冲光治疗皮肤光老化的作用机制。
  5. Cavia cobaya was vaccinated with pVAX1- hsp65 and pVAX1- hsp65-10 recombinant plasmid, moreover, pVAX 1 and supersonic antigen of MAP as control.
  6. Coli BL21(DE3) with the amount of 11.49% through thin layer chromatography scanning analysis. Cavia cobaya was immunized using the purified cytorrhyctes to produce the anti-serum. Through the determination of the optimum working conditions, the sensitivity test, the specificity test, repeatability test and sample simulation test, the indirect ELISA method was established, which is a broad-spectrum, rapid and specific to detect various of food-poisoning Vibrio simultaneously.
  7. Methods: Distribute NIH rat, or cavia porcellus 40 to four 4 groups:Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane、xiaoyanShan、WanHuaYiu、con trol group, They were experimented with antiinflamation, analgesia on; Distribute randomly cavia porcellus 36 into 3 groups:Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane、Model group、Control group, they were experimented with treatment of acute soft tissue injury on; cavia porcellus 4, they were experimented with skin sensitization self-controlly; Distribute rabbit 20 to 5 groups, them were experimented with LD50 on.
  8. This paper is concerned with strain measurement in central cross-section of cavia porcellus humerus in vivo.
  9. Strain Measurement in Vivo of Cavia Porcellus Humerus Central Cross-Section and Influence Factor Analysis
  10. The therapeutic effect of radio frequency role on cavia cobaya skin has a certain degree of timeliness which at least maintains three months.
  11. Distribute randomly cavia porcellus 36 into 3 groups: Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane、Model group、Control group, they were experimented with treatment of acute soft tissue injury on;
  12. Study on the Cavia Porcellus Fed with Eupatorium Adenophorum Spreng through Methane Fermented
  13. The role of radio frequency (RF) to cavia cobaya skin can stimulate the increase of dermal collagen content and the arrangement of collagen fibers were gradually dense. 2.
  14. It was given each of 4 Cavia Cobayas 5.76 hundred millions living bacteria, 75% protection from attack of 2 MLD maternal source strong toxic strain was gained.
  15. Stereotaxic localization of the medial geniculate body of guinea pigs (cavia porcellus) commonly used for experiments in China
  16. Distribute randomly cavia porcellus 36 into 3 groups: Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane 、 Model group 、 Control group, they were experimented with treatment of acute soft tissue injury on;


[医] 豚鼠属
n type genus of the Caviidae: guinea pigs