carbon production factor是什么意思 carbon production factor在线中文翻译

carbon production factor

carbon production factor 双语例句

  1. Therefore, it can be widely used in healthyfoods as a new functional factor. By using Lactococcus lactis SK005, fermentation conditions for GABA production wasoptimized in flasks and a small scale bioreactor; then pilot scale was carried out in 20Lbioreactor to demonstrate the results of optimization of fermentation conditions; pretreatmentof GABA fermentation broth was conducted by using chitosan and active carbon; thetechnology of ion exchange for recovery GABA was studied; and pilot scale was carried outin 300L bioreactor to produce GABA.
  2. Through signal factor and orthogonal experiments, the effects of carbon source, nitrogen source, phosphate and polysorbate-80 on cellobiase production were studied.
    作者通过单因子及正交试验,研究了C源、N源、磷酸盐及吐温 80对纤维二糖酶产量的影响,并对温度、时间、pH值和培养基含水量等培养条件进行优化,使黑曲霉生产纤维二糖酶的酶活量由 343。
  3. Study of single factor (carbon resource and nitro resource) and orthogonal test discovered that the fermentation medium containing 2% corn powder, 3% bean cake powder and 3% bran is good for neutral proteinase (NPR) production.
  4. OBJECTIVE Probe into Ofloxacin and Sodium Chloride Injection production, such impacts on Ofloxacin and Sodium Chloride Injection quality of the factor as metal ion, hydrogen ion index of the semi-manufactured goods, activated carbon and sterilization temperature, etc.
  5. The results of single-factor-experiment showed that the corn straw as the carbon source, tryptone as the nitrogen source, initial moisture content of 80% and initial pH 9.0 were the optimal conditions for xylanase production.
  6. In the era of low-carbon economy, carbon emissions are gradually transcending the traditional factors of production such as land, capital, labor force, to become the main factor of social and economic development.

carbon production factor 单语例句

  1. But results from a total factor production model are totally different from what carbon intensity tells.

carbon production factor

carbon production factor


element: n.元素;组成部分,方面;某特定类型的人或群体,分子。
 ➤ The elements hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.  

 ➤ He belongs to a bad element in this city.  

component: n.零部件;(某事物的)组成部分;成分。
 ➤ Tires, the engine, the body, and the seats are component of a car.  

ingredient: n.原料,成分,要素。
 ➤ Flour, milk, butter and yeast are some ingredients in bread.  

factor: n.因素,要素,侧重指原因。
 ➤ Endurance is an important factor in success in sports.  

product: 一般指工业产品,也可泛指各种各样的产品。
manufacture: 一般指机器大量制造的产品。
production: 含义广泛,不同场合有不同的意思,可表示“产品,产物”,尤指人类智力或艺术劳动的产品。
produce: 多指农产品(尤指蔬菜水果等)。