cantabrigian是什么意思 cantabrigian在线中文翻译

Cantabrigian 英 [ˌkæntəˈbrɪdʒiən] 美 [ˌkæntəˈbrɪdʒiən]

Cantabrigian 词典解释


Cantabrigian 双语例句

  1. At that time, a few troublesome issues produced between king and Cantabrigian university.
  2. And academia however the discussion that the person did not stop to say to axiology and innovation, appoint each group of Cantabrigian school and contemporary bourgeois economics from effectiveness of classical, limit, between them dispute each other and academic to other places assess, it is the scientific sex that proved Marx labor theory of value more.
  3. This year in before 10 schools of pop chart, ni Yada of guest evening standard learns Warton the business school continues to reside head of a list of names posted up high, cent takes London business school and Colombian college business school the 2nd, 3 an ancient folding chair; Rank the 4th to of the 10th it is Stanford college business school, Ha Fo business school, INSEAD, Masschusetts Institute of Technology respectively business school of business school of college of business school of institute of Shi Long government, Spain IE, Chicago and Cantabrigian university Judge.
  4. Yisake Baluo (1630, 1677) it is the mathematician with famous England, ever held the post of Cantabrigian university maths to teach, have contribute quite to geometry.
  5. But a spokesman of Cantabrigian university says, hocking leaves this college in the near future innocently.
  6. Cantabrigian go for the serious stuff, it seems; according to Amazon's analysis, Cambridge was also the city that ordered the most non-fiction books.
  7. If read an university to New Zealand first, apply for to attend Cantabrigian college again, the possibility that takes Cambridge so is can a bit bigger.

Cantabrigian [.kæntә'bridʒiәn]

adj. 剑桥的;模仿剑桥大学的;模仿英国(或其大学)的
n. a resident of Cambridge