canonical model是什么意思 canonical model在线中文翻译

canonical model

canonical model 双语例句

  1. Canonical variate analysis is applied to identify a state space model in linear space and state information is extracted.
  2. In this paper, the bound polaron in Quantum-dot Quantum well structures is investigated based on the continuous medium model and effective mass approximation, the effective Hamiltonian of the phonon and the polarization potential of the impurity are obtained by the first canonical transformation, the ground state of the electron is worked out by using the variational method after the second canonical transformation, the influence of electron-phonon interaction to the ground state of a bound polaron is also analysed.
  3. In addition, the time courses of these ICs differed from the shape of canonical HRF model used by SPM.
  4. In addition, the ti me courses of these ICs differed from the shape of canonical HRF model usedby SPM.
  5. XML Signature main bottleneck is Canonical XML. Canonical XML is a formalization method for XML document defined in W3C Canonical XML [9]. This formalize process called Canonicalization (C14n). Reducing the complexity of C14n can also significantly improve the performance of XML Signature. This research provides a transformation model to reduce the complexity of C14n. In the processing of C14n, the results of node operations are converted to non-recursive binary sequence by the transformation model based on Finite Automata. For signature verification, the binary sequence can be restored into Canonical XML by Finite Automata in linear time. The proposed scheme can reduce the complexity of Canonical XML to O and streaming characteristics. The characteristics of streaming can also substantially reduce memory usage and improve computing speed. This scheme is suitable for applications such as firewall or mobile devices with limited -resource or low computing capability.
    XML签章的主要瓶颈在於Canonical XML,Canonical XML是W3C定义正规化XML文件的方法,此正规化流程称为Canonicalization (C14n),降低C14n的复杂度就能大幅提升XML签章的效能,此研究提供一个转换模型来降低C14n的复杂度,在执行XML正规化的过程中透过以有限状态自动机为基础的转换模型将每一个XML节点转换成非递回的序列,在签章验证的过程中透过一个有限状态转换器就能在线性时间内将此序列还原回Canonical XML,本研究提出得方法可以在XML签章验证时将正规化XML的复杂度降至O,此方法同时具有streaming的特性,可以大幅降低记忆体使用率及提升运算速度,适合使用於如防火墙及行动装置这类低资源及低运算能力的装置上。
  6. It also provides a place where the canonical model defined by MDM can be embodied in virtual form, ready for access through industry-standard inte***ces.
  7. The research work includes canonical quantization of the massive Thirring model in 4 dimensions, constructure of new counterpart terms of gauge anomaly, duality symmetries of chiral boson actions in 2 and 6 dimensions, and self-duality beyond chiral p-form actions.
  8. The canonical SSO model of the multimachine power system is established for the first time, in which the AC network, generator, exciter, HVDC and their control systems, as well as torsional shaft system are all in module structure.
  9. On the basic of RVB model, canonical perturbation theory has been used to calculate effective Hamiltonian of the cavity supperconductor in detail in this paper.
    本文采用 RVB 模型,应用正则微扰理论,详细计算了空穴型超导体的有效哈密顿量。
  10. This is a form of integration in which resource representations, typically the canonical data model, are exposed as a feed, that, endpoints can use for pull-synchronization.
  11. An general item bank is designed for on-line examination. According to the demands of the canonical item bank design, a relational database model is designed.
  12. The key patterns addressed are the business glossary, the canonical model and data quality analysis.
  13. On these bases, the present author investigates the structural properties of a model fluid dictated by an effective inter-particle oscillatory potential by grand canonical ensemble Monte Carlo (GCEMC) simulation and classical density functional theory.
  14. The bus does not convert the message content (for example, XML tags) into a canonical data model; if canonicalization is needed, custom mediations can be written.
  15. The pattern of a canonical data and message model is presented in a future article in this series.
  16. Our SOA Model continues to advance, with new transformations from the canonical model to SCA.
  17. A simple example of a canonical domain model is reflected in the diagram below.
  18. You should use SEM as the source for the canonical model.
  19. A common approach for avoiding message format chaos is to use a canonical data model.
  20. In messaging, the canonical data model [3] pattern requires that systems vend a common format.

canonical model

canonical model


model: 可指按某物式样制造、按比例缩小的模型,也可指某物未制成之前做出的模型。
facsimile: 含义与copy大体相同,但较文雅。
duplicate: 常指完全一模一样,可代替原件的复制品。
reproduction: 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似。
copy: 普通用词,含义广泛,指精确的或不精确的复制品。