calliope是什么意思 calliope在线中文翻译

Calliope 英 [kəˈlaiəpi] 美 [kəˈlaɪəˌpi]

Calliope 词典解释


Calliope 网络解释

  1. 卡利俄佩
  2. 卡莉奧佩
    ...他与缪斯女神卡莉奥佩(Calliope)相结合,生科律班忒斯,即至尊之母基伯勒的侍奉者(相传,她们曾在克里特护佑婴儿时的宙斯). 宙斯依然据有其古老神器--雷电,他以强力镇压反抗或施行惩罚. 古希腊神话传说中的女神,主神宙斯之妻(亦为其姐姐),...
  3. 汽笛风琴
    ...斯蒂芬在很多美国文学杂志上发表过诗歌和短篇小说,包括<<汽笛风琴(calliope)>>和<<粘土手掌评论(claypalmreview)>>. 当他不写作的时候,他还是分子生物学杂志<<生物技术(Biotechnique)的总编. 斯蒂芬和他的妻子以及小猫苔斯苔蒙娜,...

Calliope 双语例句

  1. If Calliope is your true desire, I can help you.
    P :如你所愿。如果卡利俄珀是你所真正渴求的话,我可以帮你。
  2. At that moment, Kratos knew his destiny was not with Calliope.
  3. And now, Calliope was found.
  4. And poesy made Calliope's own child
  5. When the kid found out we were going to leave him at home he started up a howl like a calliope and fastened himself as tight as a leech to Bill's leg.
  6. When it reached mine, I heard cacophonous music like a calliope and felt as if Roman candles had been lighted inside my skull.
  7. Calliope! Calliope, where are you?
  8. And poesy made Calliope's own child;
  9. But then she is no ordinary poet, for she has been serving the three muses of poetry, Calliope, Euterpe and Erato, for 16 years.
  10. Regular direct borrowing terms are: the Fates god of destiny, the lifeline from the textile Clotho, the fate of Lachesis arrangements and cut the lifeline of the goddess Atropos three components; the Erinyes goddess of revenge, Tisiphone, Megaera and Aleeto Goddess Group 3% of the Muses literary goddess, for the history of Clio, in charge of astronomy Urania, in charge of the tragedy Melpomene, the competent comedy Thalia, in charge of dance Terpsichore, the competent epic Calliope, Love Poems for the Erato, the gods in charge of the hymns, as well as Polyhymnia Lyrics for the nine goddess of Euterpe
    经常直接借用的词语主要有:the Fates命运之神,由纺织生命线的Clotho、安排命运的Lachesis和剪断生命线的Atropos三位女神组成;the Erinyes复仇女神,由Tisiphone、Megaera和Aleeto三位女神组成;the Muses文艺女神,有主管历史的Clio、主管天文的Urania、主管悲剧的Melpomene、主管喜剧的Thalia、主管舞蹈的Terpsichore、主管史诗的Calliope、主管爱情诗的Erato、主管神灵赞美诗的Polyhymnia 以及主管抒情诗的Euterpe九位女神组成

Calliope [kә'laiәpi]

n. 蒸汽笛风琴
n. (Greek mythology) the Muse of epic poetry
n. a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard