busy farming season是什么意思 busy farming season在线中文翻译

busy farming season

busy farming season 双语例句

  1. Suspending the civil cases in the busy farming season is a long-standing rule in Chinese ancient society.
  2. The enhancement of the farming efficiency shortens the busy season for farmers but needs large amount of water supply.
  3. For many years, during the busy farming season this shop has persisted in sending goods to the countryside and making home delivery, thereby not only meeting the needs of people's daily life, but also raising the degree of its fame.
  4. On the consideration of farming periods, rural men and women workforces in Jiangnan demonstrate a mode of seasonal division and cooperation in modern times. During the busy farming season, farming is undertaken by men mainly, while women only join some work occasionally.
  5. In this stage, because of during the busy farming season, the work was stopped, the cadres took in manual labor, and after the farming season, Land Reform was going on then.

busy farming season 单语例句

  1. The farmers in the subtropical region are entering the busy farming season in January.
  2. Oil supply tensions loom large in the countryside at the crucial spring ploughing time and the upcoming busy summer farming season.
  3. In the busy farming season or when serf owners needed laborers, serfs had to contribute man and animal power gratis.

busy farming season

busy farming season