bristol是什么意思 bristol在线中文翻译

Bristol 英 [ˈbristl] 美 [ˈbrɪstəl]

Bristol 词典解释


Bristol 网络解释

  1. 布里斯托大学
    ...位在英格兰东北方的Durham 也是历史悠久的重要学府,再者有[[伦敦政治经济学院]](LSE)、[[帝国理工学院]](Imperial)、[[华威大学]](Warwick)、[[伦敦大学学院]](UCL)、[[南安普敦大学]](Soton)、[[布里斯托大学|布-{里}-斯托大学]](Bristol)、[[曼彻斯特大学...
  2. 布里斯托
    ...位置 布里斯托(Bristol)是英格兰西南部的历史城市,而University of Bristol担任着重要的角色. 布里斯托具有浓厚的海事历史:1947年John Cabot在此乘船至纽芬兰,该古老的船坞现巳成为休闲及艺术的集中地....
  3. 布里斯托尔大学
    ...英国三所著名大学牛津大学(Oxford)、布里斯托尔大学(Bristol)和曼彻斯特大学(Manchester)于2007年在多家英国官方基金会500万英镑资助的基础上,联合建立了英国校际中国中心(British Inter-University China Centre),...

Bristol 双语例句

  1. The plan includes highly controversial proposals for oil leasing in Bristol Bay, the backbone of Alaska`s wild sockeye salmon fisheries and a critical component of Alaska`s economy.
  2. The new NCC is close to two of GKN Aerospace's key UK facilities - at Filton in Bristol and Cowes on the Isle of Wight.
    NCC紧邻GKN Aerospace公司的两家工厂(一家位于布里斯托尔的菲尔顿地区,另一家位于怀特岛的Cowes地区)。
  3. Soon after Locke's birth, the family moved to the market town of Pensford, about seven miles south of Bristol, where Locke grew up in a rural Tudor house in Belluton.
  4. The newly elected member for Bristol South is expected to make his maiden speech in the Commons today.
  5. The team consisting of Olympic rower James Cracknell, Ed Coates, a doctor from Bristol and TV personality Ben Fogle have undertook one of the most arduous and dangerous endurance events in the world and it seems have taken along a Solar Technology Super Charger and FreeLoader to supply power to their personal gadgets along the way.
    队伍由奥林匹克划桨手吉姆斯·克莱可尼尔、从布里斯托来的医生爱德·阔爱特、以及电视风云人物本·福基乐组成,他们一起从事了这次世界上最艰苦最危险和考验耐久性的活动,而Solaris 科技的超级充电器和Freeloader在一路上作为他们的小工具一直伴随着他们。
  6. I hope that OxBridge and the University of Bristol have a successful relationship together!
  7. This product was researched by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., and it was marketed in China in 2006 initially.
  8. We had George Mueller of Bristol on board.
  9. Life and the memory of it cramped, /dim, on a piece of Bristol board.
  10. Using a light table I loosely trace the image onto a piece of Bristol board using an 8H pencil.
  11. Whether you use some Bristol board with notes tacked to it or even a dry erase board to write everything down on, it`s a great idea for you to keep things organized on something other than your computer.
  12. Life and the memory of it cramped, / dim, on a piece of Bristol board Elizabeth Bishop; it can also apply to a source of light to indicate insufficiency
  13. Bristol board: The original Bristol board, made in Bristol, England was a pasted basted board made of rag content paper.
  14. Secondly, Mr de Botton is surely right when he reminds us that we rarely if ever think about where our Moments and our fluffy slippers, our 16-gigabyte iPhones and our Thai red chicken curry ready-meals come from, or what an immense concatenation of individual efforts is required to ensure that a fish swimming in the Indian Ocean off the Maldives can be converted, in a couple of days, into individually packaged tuna steaks in the refrigerated-foods aisle of a supermarket in the Bristol suburbs.
  15. MSN MoneyCentral - BC said it hopes to retain Navassa`s current work force of 250 employees, with employment growing to as more than 850 … Marine of Fond du Lac and Brunswick Billiards of Bristol.
    微软moneycentral -公元前)表示,它希望保留n avassa目前的工作队2 50名员工,与就业增长到超过8 50……海洋的喜爱杜紫胶和不伦瑞克台球布里斯托尔。
  16. In 1734, after a few months occupied with commerce in Bristol, he went to La Flèche in Anjou, France.
  17. Richard was then an SERC IT research fellow at Cambridge until taking up a lectureship in physics at the University of Bath in 1990. In 1996 he moved to the University of Bristol as a lecturer in electrical and electronic engineering subsequently being promoted to a readership and finally to be Professor of Photonics. In 2001 he moved to the Cambridge University Engineering Department.
    随后任SERC IT剑桥大学研究员,直到1990年担任巴斯大学物理学讲师。1996年他加入布里斯托大学并任电气和电子工程学讲师,随后被晋升为高级讲师、光子学教授。2001年他加入剑桥大学工程学院。
  18. Richard was then an SERC IT research fellow at Cambridge until taking up a lectureship in physics at the University of Bath in 1990. In 1996 he moved to the University of Bristol as a lecturer in electrical and electronic engineering subsequently being promoted to a readership and finally to be Professor of Photonics.
    随后任 SERC IT 剑桥大学研究员,直到1990年担任巴斯大学物理学讲师。1996年他加入布里斯托大学并任电气和电子工程学讲师,随后被晋升为高级讲师、光子学教授。2001年他加入剑桥大学工程学院。
  19. Other hugely successful drugs include GlaxoSmithKline's Advair, an asthma remedy, and Plavix, a blood thinner, whichis sold by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis. Both enjoy billions of dollars in annual sales.
    其他获得巨大成功的药品包括:葛兰素史克公司的 Advair,Plavix(一种抗血栓药物,由百时美施贵宝和赛诺菲-安万特共同销售),以上的药品每年的销售额都在十亿左右。
  20. Moreover, neither Lee was born in 1982, after Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and no work experience.

Bristol 单语例句

  1. Critics point to the public outrage sparked by the organ retention investigations at Bristol Royal Infirmary and Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool.
  2. Bristol Palin was the night's final performer, collecting 22 points out of 30 for her quickstep with professional partner Mark Ballas.
  3. The wire service hasn't mentioned Bristol Palin's status in school.
  4. Macpherson developed his enthusiasm for the liquor industry in his college years at Bristol University, when he worked for a student organization sponsored by United Distillers.
  5. It is only after we refused saying the deal for Bristol was already in place that they want to jeopardize our plans.
  6. The sparrow has almost completely vanished from central London and numbers are well down in cities like Bristol and Edinburgh.
  7. Irvine believes Everton's players are determined to give their manager the boost of a win on his return to Bristol.
  8. Morgan noted the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, the unmarried teen daughter of former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
  9. Bamber of the University of Bristol in Britain report their recalculation of the hazard in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
  10. Bristol Palin said her son brings her so much joy that she doesn't regret having him at all.

Bristol ['bristәl]

n. 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口城市)
n. an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon