brisket meat是什么意思 brisket meat在线中文翻译

brisket meat

brisket meat 双语例句

  1. The 16 cuts, according to their meat quality, were classified into 3 major characteristics groups: tenderloin, high rib, ribeye and striploin were classified as one group, belonging to high grade meet; fore beef shank, rear beef shank, beef flank, beef neck, knuckle, triangle meat and beef shoulder were classified into the second group; silverside, topside, beef rump, rib cut, and brisket, the third group.
  2. Eight Qinchuan cattles(3 males, 3 females and 2 steers) were slaughtered and carcass were divided up to 16 retail cuts: tenderloin, striploin, ribeye, high rib, brisket, rib cut, beef rump, topside, knuckle, silverside, fore beef shank, rear beef shank, triangle meet, beef neck and beef shoulder, from which the following items, including content of water, crude ash, crude fat, crude protein, meat colour, pH value, tenderness and water holding capacity were measured.
  3. The main product was white-slice duck, half duck duck head, neck, palm wing brisket and grassland duck meat roll, French-type Breast Japanese-type Breast business suit duck and other frozen duck meat product totally 70 varieties.
  4. Barbecuing works best for large cuts of meat such as whole pigs or turkeys and for tougher cuts like brisket or spareribs that benefit from long slow cooking.
  5. The meat percentage of leg rear cut and shoulder brisket cut are largest and with a highest correlation with lean meat percentage.

brisket meat

brisket meat


flesh: 主要指人体或动物身上的肌肉组织,是从生理角度着眼的。也指动物的肉食。
meat: 是肉类的总称,指食用的肉,但不包括鱼类的肉。