brigitte是什么意思 brigitte在线中文翻译


Brigitte 网络解释

  1. 布里吉特
    ...伊蒂可.冯.科蒂,曾任德国着名女性杂志<<布里吉特>>(Brigitte)记者,现为<<明星>>(Stern)杂志娱乐版的专职记者. <<可乐求爱记>>是科蒂的成名作. 在书中,作者用女性细腻而又诙谐的文笔,真实描绘了周末夜单身女郎苦苦等候白马王子电话的心理变化,...
  2. 布丽奇特
    ...排名第三的成绩完成了比赛,而赢得当年冠军的是他的队友阿兰.普罗斯特. 接着普罗斯特从F1比赛中退休. 1994年,有着F1车神之称的塞纳在为威廉姆斯...两个姐妹,萨曼塔(Samantha)和布丽奇特(Brigitte). 布丽......
  3. 林青霞
    ...Brian 黃澤鋒/周國豐 | Brigitte 林青霞 | Brandon 李國豪...
  4. 凯尔特语 绝对力量
    ...17.Brenda 德语 剑刃 | 18.Brigitte 凯尔特语 绝对力量 | 19.Bunny 未知 小兔子...

Brigitte 双语例句

  1. Few words of the Ya-unsociable experience at an advertising company as the producer, the day he was living with his girlfriend, model Brigitte suddenly left him, made him feel very lonely and distressed.
  2. His victims have included actress Brigitte Bardot and, yes, Pope John Paul II--and he is considered a skilled mimic.
  3. I was born Brigitte Emma Marie Rondeau in a small town in Northern Eastern Alberta Canada, the third of 5 children and the only girl.
    我出生在加拿大阿尔伯特省东北部的一个小镇,我名叫 Brigitte Emma Marie Rondeau ,在家里5个孩子中排行老三,并是唯一的女孩。
  4. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave me Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey.
  5. It leaves no doubt as to why Brigitte is considered one of the great Taiwanese beauties of all time.
  6. Brigitte: Do you want to interview him?
  7. It`s not because Brigitte was being neglected.
  8. Brigitte: You know it`s a pattern thing.
  9. Even if it hadn`t been, it would have been well worth my time because of Brigitte.
  10. Serena: No. No, no, no, he should not meet Brigitte.
    哦,不不不!他不应该见Brigitte,他才14 岁。
  11. Her story: a woman such as Brigitte, perfectionism, every meal is like a luxurious private banquet dinner, a man who can not tolerate a little folding clothes with her self-righteous way of educating the children.
  12. I have to admit that I would very much have enjoyed watching Brigitte doing a little wriggling!
  13. Now have three daughters Brigitte Lin is the world's most well-being can be described as a stepmother.
  14. In addition, the Hong Kong newspaper playfully wrote in the first column, write to YangFan brigitte film director of the prince of tears releases.
  15. Its amazing that anyone can project so much with a baleful glare or an enigmatic smile as Brigitte does in this movie.
  16. The film Arong Studios boss Lin Rong-site, announced Brigitte Lin and Lee will jointly awarded the Golden Horse Awards, this is Lin Ching-hsia After the film out after the Taiwan public to attend the first film activities.
  17. Brigitte Baumann is the founder and chief executive of angel financing services firm Go Beyond Ltd.
    鲍曼是天使融资服务公司Go Beyond Ltd。
  18. The best vignettes feature elderly character actress Sylvie as a spinster devoted to her houseful of cats, and Brigitte Auber as a wide-eyed country lass.
    Sylvie 扮演一个喜欢养很多猫的中年未婚女人,Brigitte Auber扮演一个大眼睛的乡村妇女
  19. Brigitte Lin`s performance encapsulates all that is wonderful about this incredible film, Sally Yeh`s character provides it with added Everyman feistiness and Cherie Chung makes sure it has plenty of charm.
  20. Directed by Francis Leroi and also stars Karine Gambier who plays a maid who cant help herself around Brigitte.
    导演法兰西斯leroi ,也是星级karine甘比尔谁扮演一个女佣谁不能帮助自己周围的布里吉特。

Brigitte 单语例句

  1. He then stood back as she became Italy's sex symbol, standing in comparison with Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe.
  2. Brigitte alleges the pair exchanged texts and emails for a year, but insists they only had sex four times in that period.
  3. LOS ANGELES - Brigitte Nielsen has checked into rehab for treatment of an undisclosed condition, her manager confirmed Thursday.

Brigitte [ˈbridʒit]

布丽奇特(女子名, Bridget 的异体)