breeding farm是什么意思 breeding farm在线中文翻译

breeding farm

breeding farm 双语例句

  1. At the same time, the commodity duck breeding farm has also been set up at the place far away from village and full of trees and grass, it not only has ensured the quality of the duck but also has formed the meat duck breeding brilliant characteristic of the northern part of China.
  2. Results The average density of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus in breeding farm was 194.91/man. hour. The mortality of mosquitoes in Nanzheng, Hanyin, Hanbin and Pingli county was 1.84%-13.65% and 10.86%-31.25% after treatment by DDVP and deltamethrin for 24 h.
    结果 乙脑高发区养殖场所三带喙库蚊平均密度为194.91只/人工小时;区分剂量法测定敌敌畏、溴氰菊酯对南郑、汉阴、汉滨、平利4个县三带喙库蚊幼虫的24 h死亡率分别为1.84%~13.65%和10.86%~31.25%;半数致死量法测定同一种杀虫剂对不同地区三带喙库蚊的LC50相差1.27~8.00倍。
  3. Tabing abroiler breeding farm of 35, 000 sets as an example, multi-cluster housescan save ¥530, 000 yuan of construction investment, ¥150, 000 yuan of operation cost every raising circle.
  4. Results The average density of Cx. truaeruorhvnchus in breeding farm was 194.91/manhour. The mortality of mosquitoes in Nanzheng, Hanyin, Hanbin and Pingli county was 1.84%-13.65% and 10.86%-31.25% after treatment by DDVP and deltamethrin for 24 h.
    结果 乙脑高发区养殖场所只带喙库蚊平均密度为194.91只/人工小时;区分剂量法测定敌敌畏、溴氰菊酯对南郑、汉阴、汉滨、平利4个县三带喙库蚊幼虫的24h死亡率分别为1.84%~13.65%和10.86%~31.25%;半数致死量法测定同一种杀虫剂对不同地区三带喙库蚊的LC50相差1.27~8.00倍。
  5. The most effective way of Gastrodiae cultivation in Yichang is to set up breeding plantation at the altitude of 1000m, hybriding area at 100m, seed multiplication farm at 500m and GAP base for commercial gastrodiea at above 800m. In this way, the cultivating period of sexual seed tubers was shortened by 12 months and 12 months was saved for the cultivation for commercial tubers both with good quality and high yield. Besides, two novel hybrid species- Er No 1 and No 2 Gastrodiae were obtained by conforming the florescence of G. elata Bl. f. elata and G. elata Bl. f. glauca S.
  6. Company planning to built-domesticated farm breeding, scientific research, tourism, vacation, entertainment as one of the special animal breeding base.
  7. Peking University-based company to absorb the Chinese dairy livestock breeding base Ltd., ranch-building experience and dairy farming in modern management model, is committed to provide investors with vast numbers of dairy farm planning, design, construction, and sales facilities pasture management, as well as advanced technologies, training and consultative services.
  8. Using data on early growth traits (including birth weight, weaning weight, daily gain, and yearling weight) of cashmere goat from the Aerbasi White Cashmere Goat Breeding Farm in Inner Mongolia, four different animal models for estimating genetic parameters were compared.
  9. The company record farm exports pollution-free agricultural products at the national demonstration bases Hiraoka farms, fish breeding area of 386 acres, the main breeding carp, grass carp, bream and other fish money, annually about 1, 000 tons, an average of one vehicle fish for Hong Kong.
  10. A giant crocodile believed to have eaten an Australian holidaymaker will spend the rest of its life on a farm, breeding more crocodiles.
  11. Two To the focal businesses which are engaged in agricultural product process、planting、breeding and original farm produce process, exempt them from income tax for 3 to 5 years.
    园区重点农产品加工骨干企业从事种植业、养殖业和农产品初加工的所得,免征3-5 年企业所得税。
  12. The collected data is stored in a database for further analysis. This research uses the developed system to predict the oestrus cycle and the breeding time of sows in a pig farm. Every sow was installed a RFID tag which was able to sense the body temperature of the pig. The data of body temperature was collected by a RFID reader and stored to the database. The collecting process is running 24 hours a day. According to the curves of body temperature from each sow, the best breeding timing of each individual can be predicted by the farmers. By the systemically operation, the productivity of pig farm can be improved.
  13. The data were collected during 1989~1998 at Arbas cashmere goats farm, Etuoke banner, Inner Mongolia. Multiple traits of BLUP were used to get estimates of total breeding values of all goats.
  14. Inner Mongolian Academy of Animal Science, Huhhort 010030, China 2:Inner Mongolian Agriculture University Huhhot 010018 China 3:Arbas Breeding Gaots Farm, Etuoke Banner 017000, China
    内蒙古畜牧科学院;呼和浩特010030; 2。内蒙古农业大学;呼和浩特 010018; 3。内蒙古阿尔巴斯白绒山羊种羊场;鄂托克旗 017000
  15. The scope of the main business for the Association includes: to implement the general and specific policies of our Party and state, safeguard the profession`s interests; to manage the registration of the thoroughbred and the horse of fine breed according to the international regulations; to edit and publish the Chinese Stud Book and professional periodicals; to develop the research works to equine in preservation, breeding, nutrition, management and administration of stud farm, health care, technology training and consulting service, etc.; to promote the development of products, the application and popularization of new technology; to organize and coordinate the horse exhibition, appraisement through comparison, auction, import and export trade, etc..
  16. The traits of days to 100kg, adjusted daily gain, feeding period, daily gain at 100kg body weight, back fat thickness, back fat thickness adjusted to 100kg, lean meat percentage, and eye muscle area, collected from Hangzhou Breeding Pig Experimental Farm, Jinhua Breeding Pig Farm, Livestock Institute of Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Agricultural Science, Longyou Yorkshire Breeding Pig Farm, The Breeding Pig Quality Determination Center of Zhejiang Province, were analysed in this study.
  17. He had been on a trip to Singapore and visited a turtle-breeding farm.
  18. To get more bile, the farm of breeding bears always get the bile from the living bears, they enjail bears in the small cage and make them not to turn about.
  19. New Hope Co., Ltd. Hebei relying on agriculture and animal husbandry in the village, construction of 10000 units of seal breeding farm a piglet.
  20. This farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.

breeding farm 单语例句

  1. The company owns a lamb breeding farm and a lamb restaurant, with more than 30 employees.
  2. Road closings also hindered the transport of farm produce and triggered feed shortages for breeding farms.
  3. CIRC Inner Mongolia Bureau chief Zhi Pengfei said that expanding farm insurance had strengthened the local farming and breeding industries.
  4. Breeding over thousands of years has created genetic diversity among farm animals.
  5. HAIKOU - A tiger at a breeding farm on south China's Hainan island attacked and killed its keeper on Sunday morning.
  6. A noisy sand plant next to a rabbit farm in Guizhou province is thought to be responsible for devastating the animals'breeding cycles.

breeding farm

un. 育种场;种畜经营;养马场
[网络] 种畜场;驯养繁殖场;养殖场
breeding farm