bourbon是什么意思 bourbon在线中文翻译

Bourbon 英 ['bɜ:bən] 美 ['bɜ:rbən]

Bourbon 词典解释


Bourbon 网络解释

  1. 波旁皇族
    ...还有一些奇特和零碎的藏品,是西哥特人和穆斯林人作斟酌的贡品. 哈普斯堡皇室(Habsburg)和波旁皇族(Bourbon)时期的油画、模型和家具,彷佛把那个时期的生活活灵活现地展现在你面前,还有几幅戈雅的作品....
  2. 波旁王朝
    ...瓦卢瓦王朝(Valois)、波旁王朝(bourbon)及奥尔良王朝(Orléans). 法兰西王国是欧洲最早发展封建制度的国家. ......

Bourbon 双语例句

  1. Miss Bessie was telling me, with bourbon-laced grace, that I never fooled her for a moment.
  2. The Scottish twist on the Bourbon based Mint Julep is well worth the time it takes to make.
  3. His breath in her face was strong with Bourbon whisky mingled with a faint fragrance of mint.
  4. Mexico formed out of the old Viceroyalty of New Spain. Quickly overrunning New Granada and the Bourbon Kingdom抯 Caribbean possessions, the new state of Mexico was born.
  5. His efforts to secure good marriages for his brothers and marshals are dynastic politics that Bourbon kings would have grasped instantly.
  6. The next day I tried a bourbon and water, which I liked a little better.
  7. I saw your boyfriend on Bourbon Street.
  8. Can I get a double bourbon?
  9. He's moving towards Bourbon. I'm 50 yards back.
  10. French royal family descended from Louis I, Duke of Bourbon 1270?
  11. A waitress brought him paper towels, a trash bag full of ice, and a double bourbon.
  12. At last he got up and swallowed a stiff drink of bourbon like a pill.
  13. There was also, among the prettiest of them, a charming girl of three and twenty, who was from the Isle de Bourbon, a descendant of the Chevalier Roze, whose name had been Mademoiselle Roze, and who was called Mother Assumption.
  14. We have Johnnie Walker, Chivas Regal and Bourbon.
  15. The Wilkeses, the Calverts, the Tarletons, the Fontaines, all smiled when the small figure on the big white horse galloped up their driveways, smiled and signaled for tall glasses in which a pony of Bourbon had been poured over a teaspoon of sugar and a sprig of crushed mint.
  16. Bourbon, first produced in Bourbon Co., Ky., is a full-bodied unblended whiskey derived from a sour mash of corn grain.
  17. Smokery produces gourmet smoked seafood using fine Kentucky Bourbon and also sells the highest-quality Spoonfish caviar available.
  18. Substitute any liquor or liqueur for bourbon to make the sour of your choice.
  19. The Kavalan Solist Single Cask Strength ex-Bourbon Cask is a golden whisky with a sweet mouthfeel that has picked up scents of green apples, cherries, vanilla, and coconut from the oaken barrels in which it matured.
    遍品全球3,850支威士忌的《威士忌圣经》作者Jim Murray给予它90.5分的评价,文字描述:「像烤面包搭配胡桃油、碎巧克力、甚至加上乾燥的香蕉皮,是很特别的组合。
  20. Next-door Bourbon County, as the name implies, is not.

Bourbon 单语例句

  1. Bourbon gets its name from Bourbon County in Kentucky, where it originated.
  2. The Red Velvet cupcake here is a light chocolate cupcake dyed red and topped with Madagascar Bourbon vanilla cream cheese frosting.
  3. Under normal circumstances, it takes unusually offensive behavior to trigger an arrest on Bourbon Street.
  4. He was the first of the Bourbon monarchs and grandfather of the Sun King Louis XIV.

Bourbon [ˈbɜ:bən]

n. (法国的)波旁皇族;政治上之极端保守分子
n. a reactionary politician in the United States (usually from the South)
n. whiskey distilled from a mash of corn and malt and rye and aged in charred oak barrels
n. a member of the European royal family that ruled France
n. a European royal line that ruled in France (from 1589-1793) and Spain and Naples and Sicily