bot是什么意思 bot在线中文翻译


BOT 词典解释

形容词Beginning of Tape 磁带起始

BOT 网络解释

  1. 建造;经营;转让
    ...公私合营通常会采取特许经营的方式,包括建造-经营-转让(BOT)和转让-经营-转让(TOT)协议等具体形式. 签署特许权协议后,民间资本投资者有权在政府规定的地点和时期内从事市政公用事业业务(如:自来水供应或污水处理)....
  2. 磁带开始
  3. 博茨瓦纳
    ...(MAW)博茨瓦纳(BOT)马里(MLI)布隆迪(BUR)莫桑比克(MOZ)中非共和国(CAF)毛里求斯(MRI)刚果(CGO)毛里塔尼亚(MTN)乍得(CHA)纳米比亚(NAM)象牙海岸(CIV) 尼日利亚(NGR)喀麦隆(CMR)尼日尔(NIG)民主刚果(COD)南非(RSA)科摩罗斯(COM)卢旺达(RWA)佛得角(CVD)塞内加尔(SEN)吉布提(DJI)塞舌尔(SEY)埃及(EGY)塞拉利昂(SLE)厄里特里亚(E...
  4. abbr. building operation transfer; bot模式
  5. abbr. built-operated-transferred project; bot项目
  6. abbr. borderline ovarian tumors; 卵巢交界性肿瘤
  7. abbr. build-operate-transfer method; bot方式

BOT 双语例句

  1. The mechanism partakes as a result of the risk in BOT in the meantime, so this risk is on guard systematic compose is built involve each project participator, the angle that is not one party of mere Cong Mou sets out.
  2. As to the axia l strain, there is a compression strain both at the top and the bot tom of the shelf, but tensile strain at the sidepiece.
  3. The State will expand the trial of BOT and start the trial of TOT in drawing foreign investment.
  4. Background and Purposes: Children with functional articulation disorders are characterized with articulation and sound production deficits Articulation and sound production depends on activation and coordination of many muscles and vocal structures It could be considered as one type of motor coordination tasks Inconclusive results were noted in the literature regarding if children with functional articulation disorders have deficits in the motor coordination performance of other parts of body Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) and Movement Assessment Battery for Children are two mostly frequently used assessment tools of motor performance in researches and clinical practices Whether the scores of these two tests are correlated is seldom examined The purposes of this study were to answer the questions 1 if children with FAD also had other body parts motor coordination deficit; 2 if the scores of BOT-2 and M-ABC were correlated Methods: Thirty children with FAD referred from NCKUH 540?
    背景及目的:?能性构音障碍儿童的特徵为构音与发声之缺失。构音与发声需要整合协调多部位的构造与肌肉,因此可视为动作协调能力的一种。过往的文献对於?能性构音障碍儿童是否有也有身体其他部位之动作协调能力缺失此一问题并未有一致的结果。第二版布鲁茵克斯-欧西瑞斯基动作精练度评量工具(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition 简称BOT-2)与儿童动作评估测验(Movement Assessment Battery for Children 简称Movement-ABC)皆为临床与研究中常使用的动作评估工具,虽BOT-2测验包含的动作面向较为完整,但Movement-ABC 在使用上较为快速简便。因此在本篇研究中,使用BOT-2与Movement-ABC来检验?能性构音障碍的儿童在各类动作面向的表现,并探讨这两种动作测验之间的相关性。
  5. How to indicate and control the risk, it is very important to the success of project.
  6. Thirdly, depends on the research of a highway item's social cost-benefit, traffic externalities and charge standards, the negative influence existing in highway BOT model or concessionary management was studied.
    在对公路项目的社会成本效益、公路交通的外部性、公路项目使用收费标准的制定等问题进行重点研究分析的基础上,对公路 BOT模式及特许经营问题可能带来的负面效应进行了研究
  7. The feasibility of BOT financing mode which will be used in mining development is analyzed in detail and the risks are discussed particularly.
  8. It is now being used indifferently for bot.
  9. Benzo - Benzo is a pseudo-AI bot written in Python.
  10. Finally, it introduces a case to show application of domestic-investment BOT mode in sewage-disposal establishment in China The author hopes that the results of this thesis will be helpful to solve the problems in the applying of domestic-investment BOT and can make full use of domestic-investment BOT in Sewage-disposal establishment field.
  11. First of all, the dissertation explains the basic theory of the nongovernment-owned infrastructure, Introduces the meaning, form, and excellence of BOT. After that, it argues the necessity and possibility to attract nongovernmental investment into sewage-disposal establishment by BOT model, and explores the operation mechanism, risk management of attracting nongovernmental investment into sewage-disposal establishment by BOT model.
  12. The country is performing series of new policies to promote non-governmental investment and construction of a new infrastructure industry. The BOT mode has achieved great success in absorbing foreign investment to sewage treatment facilities construction. Therefore, to attract nongovernmental investment into sewage-disposal Establishment by BOT model is creative and practical.
  13. It is then of clear importance and value for research work to be conducted in this field.
  14. It starts with a full and clear introduction of the theory of BOT investing and financing model, which is the foundation of following discussion.
  15. After successful exploitation, a bot uses Trivial File Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, HyperText Transfer Protocol, or CSend (an IRC extension to send files to other users, comparable to DCC) to transfer itself to the compromised host. The binary is started, and tries to connect to the hard-coded master IRC server.
    攻击成功后,僵尸工具使用 TFTP ,FTP ,HTTP 或者 CSend(IRC 用来给其他用户发送文件的一个扩展,可比于 DCC)把自己传输到被攻陷地主机上,然后启动这个文件,尝试连接指定的主 IRC 服务器。
  16. Pink - Pink is a Dutch IRC bot which has a lot of standard bot-features (nick-links, greets, google searching), and also some more interesting features like a freshmeat searcher, a Debian/Gentoo/FreeBSD package/port info command, teletext, and what's-on-TV-right-now.
    Pink是一个荷兰语的IRC自动服务程序,含有大量的标准bot具有的特性(如昵称连接、问候语、google搜索)和一些非常由于的功能,如freshmeat搜索,Debian/Gentoo/FreeBSD 包/端口信息命令,远程文本传送,电视节目表等。
  17. Results The levels of IgE, IL-4and histamine in sera and the number of acidophilic cells in blood were all in-creased; The asphyxiant sign, the congestion and edema of the epiglottis, a large amount of the lightish yellow mucous fluid with some blood-filaments in the tracheae, pneumochysis, scattered petechiae on the inside surfaces and the bot-toms of both lung lobes were found; cerebromeningeal haemorrhage and cerebral edema were observed under microso-cope.
    结果 检血中IgE、IL-4、组胺含量和嗜酸粒细胞数量均显著增加。死者呈窒息征象;气管喉头充血水肿,气管内有大量淡黄色夹有血丝的粘性液体,肺水肿,肺叶间及肺底部散在点状出血;脑膜出血和脑水肿。
  18. The construction of basic facilities; project financing; the BOT pattern
    基础设施建设;项目融资; BOT方式
  19. He then repeats this, farming BoT/Guinsoo/Manta/Orchid/Linkens/Shiva, then gives them all to the enemy Tinker.
    让我们看看他是怎么做到的把,他出了3把圣剑,撒旦之邪力,和从 roshan 那抢过来的2块不死盾,然后他把这所有东西全部给了对方的幻影刺客,然后他不断的重复这一举动,又继续 farm 了远行鞋/羊刀/幻影斧/紫渊之仗/林肯法球/shiva 的守护,这些东西他全部给了对方的修补,接着他又送给了斧王了四颗心,强袭装甲,和吸血鬼的祭祀,送给了电魂辉耀,大雷锤,冰眼,蝴蝶和黑黄,最后,遗忘法师也从他那获得了5及大根,3及死灵书。
  20. Later this paper brings forward two opinions to respite the capital shortage in PI: build Municipal Bond market in China; BOT (build-operate-transfer) mode in country and private possession. The main works and conclusions in this paper are as follows:(1)There is substantial positive correlation between investment in PI and GDP in China.

BOT 单语例句

  1. Hong Kong Baptist University finance assistant professor Billy Mak said usage of the bridge will be affected under the BOT option.
  2. Bot fly infections are not uncommon in parts of Central and South America.
  3. BOT suggests private partners or the international syndicate will finance and construct the infrastructure after obtaining a projects construction license from the government.
  4. Bot said police were contacting local weather forecasters to determine whether the seas were rough at the time of the incident.
  5. Foreign Minister Bernard Bot recently suggested that might be possible in unforeseeable circumstances, but Kamp said the cabinet had ruled that out.
  6. A doctor found five active bot fly larvae living beneath the skin atop Dallas'head.
  7. The Chinese government attached importance and supported BOT projects while taking transportation infrastructure projects as the experimental unit.
  8. The BOT presented its assessment to a meeting of related agencies following the continuous, massive flooding.
  9. Designed to appeal to bot the European palette, and the growing market for cakes in China.
  10. But he said BOT would not become a major investment channel in the railway sector.

BOT [bɒt]

n. 马蝇幼虫,马蝇
n. (Bot)人名;(俄、荷、罗、匈)博特;(法)博
n. botfly larva; typically develops inside the body of a horse or sheep or human