boolean symbol是什么意思 boolean symbol在线中文翻译

Boolean symbol 英 [ˈbu:li:ən ˈsimbəl] 美 [ˈbuliən ˈsɪmbəl]

Boolean symbol 词典解释


Boolean symbol 网络解释

  1. 布尔符号
    ...布尔和 Boolean sum | 布尔符号 Boolean symbol | 布尔项 Boolean term...

Boolean symbol 双语例句

  1. Cartographic symbol system and cartographic image system belonging to Boolean algebra have been proved.
  2. Analysis for testability is widely used in DFT and test pattern generation, but most testability analysis algorithms have the shortcoming of either inaccuracy or being too complicated. A new method to calculate the signal probabilities of the nodes in IC is pre-sented in Chapter 7 of this dissertation. The signal probabilities by our method is more exact than by the previous ones. A symbol of the signal probability at the fan-out node is created and is propagated to the RFON (Reconvergent Fan-out Nodes). At the RFON, the expression containing the symbol is simplified using the rule which corresponds to the law of identity in Boolean algebra. After the expression is simplified, the symbol is substituted with its numeric value. Theoretical analysis shows that this method is concise and has a low computing complexity.
    可测试性分析在可测试性设计和测试生成中都有着广泛的应用,然而大部分的可测性分析方法都存在不精确或者过于复杂的毛病,在第七章中作者提出了一种新的计算IC电路节点的信号概率值的符号算法,该算法得出的信号概率值比用以往的算法法得出的要更准确,也更简洁,针对电路中的扇出节点重汇聚现象,我们在每一个扇出节点定义了一个信号概率的符号,在以后的计算中一直使用该符号参与计算,直到该符号传播至重汇聚处,利用一定的规则把含符号的表达式化简,再将符号的真实值代入,在计算符号概率的过程中定义了一个和布尔代数中的同一律相对应的运算规则,通过该运算规则,使得信号概率的结果更加准确,符号算法具有简洁方便,计算复杂度小的特点 4。
  3. The control model is stated by pan-Boolean algebra symbol through a series of control rules depending on control practice of piezoelectric actuators.

Boolean symbol

un. 布尔符号
Boolean symbol


sign: 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。
emblem: 指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。
symbol: 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。
token: 语气庄重,指礼品、纪念物等作为表示友谊、爱情等的象征或标志。
attribute: 指人或物及其地位、属性的象征。
mark: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。
signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。
badge: 一般指金属证章或写有姓名的带状标志物。