boat hull是什么意思 boat hull在线中文翻译

boat hull

boat hull 双语例句

  1. Storm in a teacup: The raging sea and stormy sky are made from red cabbage while the boat hull is a courgette, the wheelhouse has been formed from mangetout and the masts standing proud are asparagus
  2. A boat needs more than a watertight hull to be reasonably safe, and a dive boat needs more special equipment than a scuba flag.
  3. He was caught in a deathtrap: the boat`s line snared his lower body while its hull kept him underwater.
  4. Not to high or it will just it the upper hull of the boat once it is installed.
  5. He careened the boat to paint the hull.
  6. One such example is the wind turbine boat, also called the windmill boat, which uses a large windmill to extract energy from the wind, and a propeller to convert this energy to forward motion of the hull.
  7. A twin-hull type boat and an outrigger boat have good stability.
  8. In an urgent situation, a light boat is more important than a sophisticated hull design, but a light boat with a wrong rear end design pushing the water can also be a disadvantage.
  9. After detailed investigation of the construction options McMullen and Wing were tasked to build the boat in advanced carbon composites, and they rose to the spirit of the challenge by electing to build a one‐off female mould for the hull to allow for efficient vacuum‐infusion, a process which ensures excellent laminate consolidation.
  10. It is obvious you can't put the real sail rig into the boat hull.
  11. I hull parts of this toy boat are assemble nearly identical to the one I am currently building so it gave me an idea of how strong this hull will be on incidental impact.
  12. Hull trim is the adjustment of a boat's loading so as to change its fore-and-aft attitude in the water.
  13. The amphibious boat which attached the water wheel beside the hull.
  14. A few impacts with the pool wall or another boat and you might get a hull crack.
  15. HP1180 fast patrol boat belongs to medium size patrol boat, which is fast, dynamic and flexible. Using advanced deep V hull with >20 degree deadrise, the boat is against state-5 wind and it is suitable for coastal waters.
  16. HP1500 fast patrol boat is our newly developed patrol boat for Coast Guard. Its deep-V hull is as good as abroad advanced hull, with 22 degrees deadrise angle. It has state 6-wind resistance and good sea-keeping. It is the first patrol boat with diesel engine that speed can obtain 50knots in China. As per CCS Construction Regulation, the boat can satisfy the impact resistance at the high speed in wretched sea condition.
  17. Effect of Air Screen to Start Resistance of Model Hull in Boat Type Tractor
  18. Depending on the type of sailboat, often the weight of the ballast can be 30% or 40% of the total displacement of the boat. Heeling of the monohull will create water drag and will create necessity of a wider hull beam that will also in turn limit the speed, thing that was remarked by Archimede 220 years ago.
  19. Uses: It is widely used for manufacturing FRP sheets, pipe, rods, car body, boat hull, fan blade and Varieties of profiles etc.
  20. We are looking for the manufacturer fiberglass boat hull in China.

boat hull

boat hull


craft: 船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。
vessel: 多指运货或运人的大船。
ship: 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。
canoe: 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。
steamer: 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。
boat: 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。