blast furnace bosh是什么意思 blast furnace bosh在线中文翻译

blast furnace bosh

blast furnace bosh 双语例句

  1. Combined with investigation results of the furnace body erosion before relining, this paper analyzes the cause of production problems appeared in the first campaign life of the blast furnaces. Because of the existence of design shortcomings in large cooling block and bosh cooling stave, it resulted in poor furnace performance, such as stronger peripheral gas flow and irregular profile. The quick rise of bottom temperature of No.7 BF was caused by the penetration of molten iron into the joint of bottom carbon block, wheresas the quick rise of bottom temperature of No.6 BF was due to gas fleeing through the furnace bottom.
  2. With developments in the blast furnace ironmaking process, A long campaign life of the area of high thermal load (particularly in the bosh, belly, lower shaft areas) is very essential for the long campaign life of the blast furnace.
  3. It took 14.5 days from blast furnace blowing-out on 6th, December to blast furnace blowing-in on 20th, December, 2000 to replace 4 rows cooling stave above bosh and 1 row belly plate.
  4. Sialon bonded silicon carbide bricks, characterized by good resistance to oxidation and alkali corrosion, are mainly used on the underside, belly and bosh of blast furnace.
  5. As the rate of pulverized coal injection into the blast furnace is constantly increasing, it is required to reduce the amount of bosh slag and to improve its fluidity by any means.
  6. It took 14. 5 days from blast furnace blowing-out on 6th, December to blast furnace blowing-in on 20th, December, 2000 to replace 4 rows cooling stave above bosh and 1 row belly plate.

blast furnace bosh

blast furnace bosh


stove: 通常指以柴、煤、气、电等作燃料,用于室内取暖或烧饭的火炉。
oven: 主要指烘烤食物用的炉子、烘箱。
furnace: 指冶炼用的熔炉或烧暖气用的锅炉。也可用作比喻。