binomial series是什么意思 binomial series在线中文翻译

binomial series

binomial series 双语例句

  1. The algorithm for K/N and cold standby equipment are studied by the Monte Carlo method. The algorithm for test and evaluation of binomial type unit, exponential type unit and series type equipment are implemented, the accuracy of the algorithms is validated with examples.
  2. If the power series ∑anxn an ∑anxn and ∑bnxn satisfy the condition r =∑bn xn, we obtain the twin combinatorial identity theorem between the sequences {an} and bn}.We also obtain some specific twin combinatorial identities by using the expansion on the binomial expression formula, including two expansions of combinatorial number(rsn and...
    如果幂级数∑anxn与∑bnxn满足条件r=∑bnxn 时,获得数列{an}与{bn}之间孪生组合恒等式的定理,应用在二项式定理等展开式上得出具体的多组孪生组合恒等式,其中包含组合数的两种展开法,Bernoulli数直接表达式的新证等结果。
  3. In Chapter 2, by means of the integral theory, a number of reciprocal series involving binomial coefficients have been established and some results related to binomial coefficients have been extended.
  4. Euler Equation Based on Alternating Series Number Pattern of Binomial Coefficient and Arrangement Number
  5. Based on the differential factor approach, several practical transformation formulae between plane coordinate systems together with their application areas are proposed in this paper. These formulae are: improved power series formula, Taylor series formula, and Newton's binomial formula.
  6. In this paper, according to constructing multinomial and series of functions concludes the counting formula of K-order centeral moment of binomial. poisson and geometric distribution and common form of these formula
  7. This paper estimates to some of common methods obtaining approximate lower confidence for reliability of series systems from independently binomial (pass-fail) component test data.
  8. Discussion on bayes'confidence bound for binomial series system reliability using B (0, 0) as the prior distribution of component reliability
  9. The annual occurrence number of the partial duration flood series estimated by the Poisson distribution and binomial distribution was studied in this paper. The above two distributions were combined with exponential distribution of peak magnitudes to obtain the T-year flood estimator, respectively.

binomial series

un. 二项级数;二项式级数
binomial series


succession: 侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。
series: 指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。
progression: 指向前推进的行为过程或状态的连续。
sequence: 多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续。