betelgeuse是什么意思 betelgeuse在线中文翻译

Betelgeuse 英 [ˈbetəlˌdʒə:z] 美 [ˈbitlˌdʒuz, ˈbɛtlˌdʒɚz]

Betelgeuse 词典解释


Betelgeuse 网络解释

  1. 参宿四
    ...说明: 参宿四(Betelgeuse)确实是个巨大恒星,如果把它放在太阳的位置上,那个它的云气结构会延伸到木星轨道. 除了太阳以外的恒星,像是参宿四都距离的太遥远而使他们看起来只有一个星点,即使是透过非常大的望远镜来观察也是. 然而,...
  2. 猎户座( 参宿四
    ...此外还有伟大旧神(Old One)所镇座的猎户座参宿四(Betelgeuse),守护着封印旧日支配者们的关门. 克苏戮神话中有很多架空的魔法书或典籍,如<<奈考提克手稿(Pnakotic Manuscripts)>>和<<波纳佩圣典(Ponape Scripture)>>等等....
  3. 参宿四(位于猎户座)
    ...Bellatrix 参宿五(位于猎户座) | Betelgeuse 参宿四(位于猎户座) | Big Dipper 北斗七星(位于大熊座)...
  4. 猎户座一等星
    ...betel 萎叶 | Betelgeuse 猎户座一等星 | betelnut 槟榔...

Betelgeuse 双语例句

  1. With binoculars, check out the star cluster M35 between Theta Aurigae and Betelgeuse.
    通过望远镜,你可以观看到御夫座星与参宿四之间的星团 M35。
  2. Given a dark sky, you can see this archway of stars running by Betelgeuse.
  3. Betelgeuse – the other bright star in Orion – is the Hunter`s right shoulder.
    参宿四 -猎户座的另一颗明星-是猎人的右肩膀。
  4. The only two missing star positions are for Betelgeuse and Rigel.
  5. Most constellations have only one bright star, but Orion has two: Rigel and Betelgeuse.
  6. The map will be redrawn centred on the position of Betelgeuse.
  7. The diameter of the star Betelgeuse is more than a quarter the size of our entire solar system.
  8. If you do get lost, just say " Home, Home, Home "(don't get tricked by Betelgeuse) & or type cd.
  9. So don't count on getting a lot of sleep when Betelgeuse explodes, because the only sensible thing for the world to do will be to throw a weeks-long global supernova party.
  10. Of course, the conversion from stellar to human terms is pretty extreme, as Betelgeuse is predicted to explode anytime in the next million years.
  11. Our sky chart shows Orion for about one hour after nightfall. The three stars of Orion`s belt jut pretty much straight up from the horizon, with the bright ruddy star Betelgeuse shining to the left of Orion`s belt and the bright blue-white star Rigel to the right of the Belt.
    星象图指出了夜幕降临一个小时后猎户座的状态,猎户座腰带上的三颗星星正好和地平线平行,闪着红光的 Betelgeuse 再要带的左边,闪着蓝白光的星星 Rigel 在要带的右边。
  12. The three stars of Orion`s belt jut pretty much straight up from the horizon, with the bright ruddy star Betelgeuse shining to the left of Orion`s belt and the bright blue-white star Rigel to the right of the Belt.
  13. If you do get lost, just say " Home, Home, Home "(don't get tricked by Betelgeuse) & or type cd.

Betelgeuse [.bi:tәl'ʒә:z]

n. 猎户星座
n. the second brightest star in Orion