berger是什么意思 berger在线中文翻译


Berger 网络解释

  1. 伯杰
    ...生涯中使用的计算机:汉英对比 -()伯杰(Berger)著;詹尔震译/198生涯中使用的计算机:汉英对比 -()伯杰(Berger)著;詹尔震译/198生涯中使用的计算机:汉英对比 -()伯杰(Berger)著;詹尔震译/198...
  2. 博格
    ...1995年,博格(Berger)等人以历史数据为依据,运用更加复杂的方法,预测未来美国的数量将是3,849家. 这个数字比米什金的预测略低,但精确得有些令人难以置信. 博格等人当时还预测:10年之内,资产规模在1亿美元以内的拥有的资产总和在全部总资产中所占份额将减半,...
  3. 格吉尔 法国, 犁地的人;牧羊人
    ...Berg 博格 条顿 冰山. | Berger 格吉尔 法国 犁地的人;牧羊人. | Bernard 格纳 条顿 像熊一般勇敢....
  4. 男 犁地的人,牧羊人
    ...Barry 男 神箭手,持矛者 | Berger 男 犁地的人,牧羊人 | Boyd 男 金发的,白种人的...

Berger 双语例句

  1. As a colleague pumped water into the fish's gasping mouth, Berger quickly stitched the wound closed so the 8-inch smolt could continue its journey out to sea.
  2. Peter Berger considers that sociology is to debunk the world-taken-for-granted――this world is fictitious and precarious.
    摘要 彼得·伯格认为社会学是去揭露和看透视为理所当然的世界――这个世界是虚构的和危疑不定的。
  3. Suppliers: Taiwan's Chung-han, Fu-sheng, Sweden Atlas, TING, and tyrants Seoul, giant gangsters, Sunningdale, Sandy Berger, Mitsui, Kobelco, Kang Puyi, LG, Fidelity, and other famous brand air compressors and accessories; Taiwan efficient filters and all major brands精密过滤器and perennial with sufficient cash.
  4. The head of Alstom`s operations in China, Alain Berger, said that given the complexities involving the installation of new tracks, signalling and power sources, Beijing`s achievement was to be applauded.
    阿尔斯通的中国区运营负责人ALAIN BERGER说,根据新轨道和信号系统安装的复杂程度,北京所取得的成就值得赞扬。
  5. Carrie brings Berger out for a dinner with the girls, and the conversation flows smoothly, but things come to a screeching halt when Berger gives Miranda some blunt advice about her lovelife.
  6. There are many fast food restaurant near our campus, including Macdonal, Berger King, Subway, etc. They cost around $5 per person.
  7. The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble. It extends to a depth of 3723 feet.
    世界上最深的洞穴是格里诺布尔附近的高弗伯杰洞,它深达 3723 英尺。
  8. The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near GRE noble. It extends to a depth of 3723 feet.
  9. Gillitzer R, Berger R, Mielke V, Müller C, Wolff K, Stingl G. Upper keratinocytes of psoriatic skin lesions express high levels of NAP-1/IL-8mRNA in situ [J].J Invest Dermatol, 1991; 97(1):73-79.[11]Gillitzer R, Toksoy A, Voss A.
  10. And across town, I lay in bed willing Berger to call me...
  11. I decided to rent a car... and drive the distance to get closer to Berger.
  12. Conclusions; The result of two experiments provids evidence for conclusion offered by berge et al, which attention load is an important factor determining the competition between endogenous and exogenous control of attention. Specifically, a low task demand leads to independent orienting effect between them, whereas a high task demand leads to their interaction.
  13. The next day Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, Dennis Ross, Hillary, and I helicoptered into densely populated Gaza to cut the ribbon on the new airport and have lunch with Arafat in a hotel overlooking Gaza`s long, beautiful Mediterranean beach.
  14. Yin's water colors express the same doubt and the tinted portraits are reminiscent of the heads of Marlene Dumas. Dumas applied ink strokes to demonstrate the flows of desire, and Yin Zhaoyang further represents the conditions of people with a more terse style. The conditions presented by Yin are the encounters John Berger suggested. Yin stripped the appearances of the figures from daily life, from fictions or films and gave them different contours, space as well as his own emotions for the purpose to represent a violent agitation.
    尹朝阳水彩作品表现出相同情绪,渲染的肖像不禁令人想起Marlene Dumas的人头作品,但相较于Dumas将水墨般笔触视为自我欲望的流动性转化,尹朝阳的水彩人物更简洁地去表达一种人的状态,这个状态,犹如约翰伯格所述,来自于艺术家和各种描绘主体的邂遘,尹朝阳将自生活、小说、电影中积垒的各种角色剥除其外形,以轮廓、空间、结合艺术家个人情绪,成为强烈且焦虑的再现。
  15. Methods Three pre-selection formulae(NAL-R, Berger, one third) of prescriptive strategy have been applied to the children(15 subjects, 30 ears) with sensorineural deafness who sustain severe and profound hearing loss, meanwhile, the comparison has been made at several frequencies in different aspects such as target gain, real ear insertion gain, unaided/aided threshold and so on.
    目的 探索出适合聋儿的助听器预选公式。方法对重度和极度感音神经性聋的15例(30耳)患儿应用NAL-R、Berger、1/3增益公式,进行了助听器验配,并对不同频率上的目标增益值、真耳介入增益值、助听前后的声场阈值方面进行了比较;探索适合于这类患者的最佳预选公式。
  16. Titi Camara and Erik Meijer both netted braces, with Vladimír Smicer, Patrik Berger and Jamie Redknapp also on target.
  17. The cave might never have been discovered has not the entrance been spotted by the distinguished French pot-holer Berger.
  18. This is a good and growing story, says Roland Berger`s Torsten Henzelmann.
  19. Scott Berger, a 35-year-old investment analyst, stopped shaving in October after being laid off from hedge fund Laurus Capital Management.
    伯格是一个投资分析师。2008年10月他被对冲基金公司Laurus Capital Management解雇后,就不再刮胡子了。
  20. Scott Berger, a 35-year-old investment analyst, stopped shaving inOctober after being laid off from hedge fund Laurus Capital Management.
    35岁的斯考特·伯格是一个投资分析师。2008年10月他被对冲基金公司Laurus Capital Management解雇后,就不再刮胡子了。

Berger 单语例句

  1. Kerry's campaign reacted strongly to suggestions by some Republicans that Berger might have passed classified information to it.
  2. Berger's administration enacted policies to crack down on violent crime and street gangs, and it was unclear whether the alleged killings were related to that policy.
  3. Berger is Professor Emeritus at San Francisco State University and a very prolific writer.
  4. The comments from Justice Minister Maria Berger were the first time the government has acknowledged official shortcomings in the handling of the case.
  5. Berger said the investment was part of the corporation's commitment to the Chinese market.
  6. " Everyone I know has been completely willing to jump in on this, " Berger said.
  7. Berger hopes Santas will use hand sanitizers and encourage children to do the same, without turning the experience into a hygiene lecture.
  8. Berger's research has been reviewed by others and is due to appear in the February edition of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
  9. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Samuel Berger, who held the position from 1997 to 2001 under the Clinton administration.
  10. He made these comments on the occasion of Roland Berger's disclosure of the top 20 most globally competitive Chinese companies in 2008.

Berger [ˈbə:dʒə]
