bengali是什么意思 bengali在线中文翻译

Bengali 英 [beŋˈgɔ:li] 美 [beŋˈgɑ:li]


Bengali 词典解释


Bengali 网络解释

  1. 孟加拉语
    ...宝莱坞和印度其它几个主要影视基地(泰米尔语 - Kollywood 特鲁古语(Telugu) 孟加拉语(Bengali) - Tollywoord 坎拿达语(Kannada)和马拉亚拉姆语(Malayalam)等)构成了印度的庞大电影业 每年出产的电影数量和售出的电影票数量居...
  2. 孟加拉人
    ...当地居民以说尼泊尔语的廓尔喀人为主,过去长期主张脱离孟加拉人(Bengali)为主的西孟加拉省. 塔曼是1980年代当地廓尔喀族脱离西孟加拉省运动的领导人. 经过几回合的谈判后,廓尔喀人获相当的自治权,定居大吉岭....
  3. 孟加拉文
    ...他一直致力翻译圣经,於1797年完成了孟加拉文(Bengali)的新约,并于1800年出版. 他与两浸信会的传教士在(Bengali)的新约,并於1800年出版. 他与两位浸信会的传教士在塞兰坡(Serampore)建立了宣教基地,其中一位是马士曼(JohnMarshman,...
  4. 孟加拉国文
    ...benchmark test 评效测试 | Bengali 孟加拉国文 | best 最好...

Bengali 双语例句

  1. Bengali poet, short story writer, song Composer, playwright, essayi st, and painter who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 He was highly influential in introducing the best of Indian culture to the West and vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of modern India
    拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔(1861——1 941)孟加拉诗人,短篇小说作家,作曲家,剧作家,散文家,画家,1913年获诺贝尔文学奖。他深刻影响了印度与两方优秀文化的交流融通,被奉为杰出的现代印度艺术大师。他是喜马拉雅积雪的山峰,一般的崇高,一般的纯洁,般的壮丽,一般的高傲,只有无限的青天枕藉他银白的头颅。冰心女士曾经受过中国历史上伟大诗人的熏陶,具有深厚的古文根底,因此她给这一新形式带来了一种柔美和优雅,既清新,又直截。
  2. The Master said: Today is the first day of the Bengali month, an inauspicious day for undertaking a journey.
  3. By the time I was 6 my parents had taught me to read and write Bengali.
  4. She grew up in Toronto, is the daughter of a Bengali father and a Polish mother.
  5. For instance, about 100, 000 Bengali speakers live and work in the Middle East.
  6. At home we had advanced in Bengali much further than the subjects taught in the class.
  7. A member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengali.
  8. Was, however, to translate the Guidelines into the languages of the countries where shipbreaking was done: Bengali, Chinese, Hindu, Urdu and Turkish.
    邀请 三方联合工作组作为指导提出一些切实可行的解决方法,供三个组织审议,以期促进对船舶拆解事项无害环境管理
  9. Beyond economics, Sen and Bardhan share a broad interest in history and culture, perhaps in part, Bardhan suggests, because the Bengali language, which they and more than 200 million others speak, has spawned such a rich literary tradition.
  10. Visitors can easily navigate from an introduction to Luddism to an exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands and then to a virtual Bengali religious festival.
  11. Visitors can easily navigate from an introduction to Luddism to an exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands and then to a virtual Bengali religious festival.本文来自hbkaoyan. cn
  12. AS an Indian who takes inspiration from an 18thcentury Scottish economist, a French mathematician, and a renowned Bengali poet, Amartya Sen is a rare species.
  13. But to be fair to the NYPD, recruits who are native speakers of languages such as Arabic, Pushtu and Bengali are often assigned to counter-terrorism duties.
  14. This site also offers regional language movies like Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Bengali movies for free.
  15. Her mother is Irish Catholic and her father is of half-Bengali and half-English descent.
  16. His speech was Bengali of a homely kind with a slight, delightful stammer, and his words held men enthralled by their wealth of spiritual experience, their inexhaustible store of simile and metaphor, their power of observation, their bright and subtle humour, their wonderful catholicity, their ceaseless flow of wisdom.
  17. These are Bengali, Tamil, and Malay, spoken in south and Southeast Asia.
  18. He rejected all distinctions of caste and creed. In 1866, he was initiated into Islam and, in 1873, into Christianity, seeing all faiths as leading to the same God. After meeting the Brahmo leader Keshub Chunder Sen in 1975, Sen popularized Ramakrishna`s teachings in Bengali society and Ramakrishna gained attention throughout India and in the West.
  19. For a few decades, after we moved to the United States, his pulao fed crowds of up to four hundred people, at events organized by Prabasi, a Bengali cultural institution in New England, and he found himselfat institutional venues – schools and churches and community centers – working with industrial ovens and stoves.
  20. Many people overlooked the exquisite artistry in ray's story of a rural Bengali family.

Bengali 单语例句

  1. They smile at the Bengali man who takes his son to the park most nights.
  2. One Bangla Academy official told Xinhua Wednesday that English - Bengali dictionary is the highest selling publication.
  3. The protests have also fanned ethnic tensions between Nepalis and Bengalis, after reports emerged of a few Bengali tourists being roughed up last week.
  4. While he dates a rich American girl and heads to study at Yale university, his parents cling to Bengali traditions to defend their own identity.
  5. Tribal guerrillas in Tripura had killed three Bengali settlers in a market late on Wednesday, a police officer said.
  6. To their surprise, the Bengali measures have developed well in Qiongzhong county with few changes.

Bengali [beŋ'^ɔ:li]

n. 孟加拉人;孟加拉语
adj. 孟加拉的;孟加拉语的
n. (Hinduism) a member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengal (mainly Hindus)
n. an ethnic group speaking Bengali and living in Bangladesh and eastern India
n. a Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and Bengal