be no stranger to是什么意思 be no stranger to在线中文翻译

be no stranger to

be no stranger to 双语例句

  1. Ordinary people in China is no stranger to the bubble economy, and even can be said to feel the vicarious pains.
  2. And to see that mirror will be to see the stranger who is our own deeper nature, our own uncontrived purity, and the stranger that is ourselves will be a stranger no more.
  3. I like English very much, however I have no any language envioument in my city, people don't use English to talk to each other, if I try to talk to some friends of mine in English, they regarded me as a stranger, even I just want to make a joke with them, so I wander if the world is advanced or backward. as you know English was used widly in the whole world as a business language, with the development of economics more and more joint-ventures were built in China, and also more and more English talents will be needed in Chian, I do believe this point very much!
    我非常喜欢英语,然而我在我的城市中没有任何的语言 envioument,人不使用英语和彼此说话,如果我试着以英语和我的一些朋友说话,他们把我视为一个陌生人了,如果世界被前进,甚至我仅仅想要和他们制造一个笑话,因此,我游荡或者 你知道英国人被以作为一种商务语言的整个世界用 widly,藉由经济学的发展越来越多的 j
  4. Must for many people, the Mai Li is no stranger to the name, he has a competent, intelligent eyes and the appearance, if the need to give him position, it has to be strong type, and therefore such women in the man of a woman society is very popular on its television network in the PP of the degree of concern can be seen, but the Mai Li has always been very low key, but he seems to be more furious husband, like the middle finger at the public erection.
    想必对很多人而言,马伊琍这个名字并不陌生,他有着干练、聪慧的外表的和眼神,如果非要给他定位,那一定是女强人型的,因此这样的女性在这个男人女人化的社会里就非常受欢迎,就从其在 PP网络电视上受关注的程度就能够看出来,不过马伊琍一直都是非常的低调,但是他的老公似乎比较猖狂,喜欢对着公众竖中指。
  5. To be a stranger in a strange land is a bitter lot; no one notices you unless you happen to stand in their way.
  6. Finally understand that not all the people around you are friends, not all have been sad for you the happiest person you are friends, not all do you think people are very understanding friends, not all you think you understand people are friends, not all contact with a lot of good friends over the years were not all that on Hello Hello who are friends, not all can be satirical towards those who are friends...... Many people, I think he very nice to me, but when I need help on my disdain; a lot of people, I think can do a lifetime of friends, but I thought the days to leave the moment; a lot of people can be telling me that we are good friends after I made a stranger...... However, there are a lot of people, although very little contact, but is concerned about each other from time to time, no matter what you have done something wrong, as long as a small recognition of the wrong, he will smile to you.
  7. They consider there is no harm done if someone they feel they may have met before turns out to be, indeed, a complete stranger.
  8. Kristen may be sporting the ink for her new role in the film, though she is no stranger to body art since she recently debuted two new tattoos during a trip overseas for the Paris Haute Couture shows last month.
  9. This will be Meyers'debut as an Emmys host, although he's no stranger to the ceremony; he won an Emmy of his own back in 2011.
  10. The word bulling should be no stranger to everyone, the bullying throughout always of human social behavior, especially among high school students bully problem is on the rise.
  11. While Mr Li will be the first mainlander to head the HKEx, he is no stranger to Hong Kong, having worked for about a decade in the city while at Merrill Lynch.

be no stranger to 单语例句

  1. Suarez has been no stranger to controversy since his arrival in England in January 2011 and Rodgers accepted it just had to be him again.

be no stranger to

be no stranger to


stranger: 指对当地的生活习惯、语言等不熟悉,或为某团体不熟的人,也指不认识的人。
foreigner: 指在异国作短期访问或长期居住的外国人。
alien: 指没有成为侨居国正式公民的移民。
immigrant: 指在别国定居并取得所在国国籍的外国人。