barrier beach是什么意思 barrier beach在线中文翻译

barrier beach

barrier beach 双语例句

  1. Cairns isn't the only start point to visit the Great Barrier Reef which is one of the World Heritage. Another popular point is Airlie Beach, choose this place as your start point, you can head to the Whitsundays islands which is composed of 74 islands.
  2. Wave-dominated estuary and delta; abandoned delta; barrier island; longshore transportation of sediments; beach movement
  3. Sedimentary facies model for mixed sediments of recent reefoid carbonates and siliciclastics is developed from the facies model of fringing and barrier reefs. Based on the sedimentary facies and textures, mixed sediments may be subdivided into 5 types as follows: 1 reef base mixed sedimentary rocks and reef framework mixed sedimentary rocks; 2 reef flat sand-gravel mixed sedimentary rocks; 3 backreef beach-dune gravel-sand mixed sediments; 4 backreef lagoonal sand mixed sediments; and 5 reef front littoral sand mixed sediments.
  4. A detail study of petrologic characteristics, type of sedimentary facies, its assemblage and sedimentary sequence in the upper Sinian Kezisuhumu Formation in the southwest margin of Tarim Basin indicates that Kezsisuhumu Formation is a typical beach-barrier sedimentary system, it can be divided into 3 subfacies such as barrier island, tidal flat and offshore shelf.
  5. Sediment from river is not the main source of the Rushan Bay now any more, which leads to the change of balance of sedimentation power. Sediment will transport because of the drive of hydrodynamic elements in macroscopic view. Direction of suspended load is basicly the same as tidal current. Flood tide makes suspended load transport to tip of the inner Bay and to the Mouth in exterior Bay. The direction of longside sediment transport in two sides of the Mouth mainly focus in the Mouth. Because the coastline along the exterior Bay is very meandering and it belongs to the type of bedrock, besides some sediment going into the inner Bay, so actual net sediment discharge rate is less than calculation. It develops an ebb delta out of the Mouth and forms tidal sand ridge, tidal washing canal, barrier bar and marine physiognomy; The result of model simulation disclosures that differences of sediment erosion and siltation between single tidal action and wave-current action are very big. From the analysis of sediment composition、sediment sources and stability of beach and ridge, this article gets the conclusion that the channel has the possibility to silt, though the course maybe very slow.
  6. From Guantao Formation to the Second Member of Shahejie Formation, alluvial fan, fan delta, loch beach barrier and fluvial facies were deposited in northern slope belt of eastern Chenjiazhuang Uplift.
  7. I wanted to play games on the beach with my families; I wanted to communicate with animals without language barrier;
  8. Barrier island-lagoon systems can be subdivided into: barrier beach, storm washover, lagoon, and bayhead delta, etc.
  9. Sand moved along the shore and from beach to sea bottom and back again, forming shorelines and barrier islands that until recently were able to repair themselves on a regular basis, producing the illusion of permanence.
  10. The first sedimentation model is transitional facies - marine facies in Xujiahe formation one-two section, which is made up of marine delta, bay, beach-barrier and epeiric sea.
  11. In Banqiao sag, there developed fan delta, deepwater turbidity fan and beachy subaqueous fan in Es3 member, and alluvial finger bar and bar front fluxie in Es2 member, but in Qikou sag, there developed beach bar and offshore barrier bar in Es2 member, and deep water channel of gravity-current in lower Esl member.
  12. In the studied area, nearshore and offshore microfacies are developed while backshore rigs are not grown in the beach - barrier coast system.
  13. They produce a barrier beach with an eroded zone in front and a lagoon or salt marsh behind.

barrier beach

n. 沿岸沙滩
[网络] 滨外滩;障碍海滩;沿岸滩沙埂
barrier beach


shore: 指紧靠大湖泊或海洋的陆地边缘或靠海的休养地。
bank: 多指有一定坡度的河岸、湖岸或堤岸。
seaside: 尤指疗养地、游览地区的海边。
beach: 指倾斜度小,被海、湖或河水冲刷而有沙或卵石积存的地方。
coast: 地理学上的名词,专指被视为边界的沿海陆地的尽头。

obstruction: 常既指具体的障碍又可指抽象或喻意上的阻碍。
barrier: 常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。
hindrance: 指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。
obstacle: 指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。
bar: 既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。