baked apple是什么意思 baked apple在线中文翻译

baked apple

baked apple 双语例句

  1. Skim milk, provender, leftover sandwich from Lurvy's lunchbox, prune skins, a morsel of this, a bit of that, fried potatoes, marmalade drippings, a little more of this, a little more of that, a piece of baked apple, a scrap of upsidedown cake.
  2. Skim milk, provender, leftover sandwich from Lurvy's lunchbox, prune skins, a morsel of this, a bit of that, fried potatoes, marmalade drippings, a little more of this, a little more of that, a piece of baked apple, a scrap of upside down cake.
  3. Skim milk, provender, left-over sandwich from Lurvy`s lunchbox, prune skins, a morsel of this, a bit of that, fried potatoes, marmalade drippings, a little more of this, a little more of that, a piece of baked apple, a scrap of upside-down cake.
  4. Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with Mozzarella cheese. Study on the Effect of Penicillin on the Apple Tree and Phloridzin of Apple Tree Canker
  5. Freshly baked apple pie makes a tasty dessert.
  6. Eat them raw, try them baked, add them diced into a salad or saut é an apple with onions as a side dish for chicken or fish.
  7. Let`s have a look at what Hogwarts students are served at lunch, dinner and feasts:Pumpkin juice seems to be the only drink, water is never mentioned for meals, (although Harry had a drink of water when he woke up in the middle of the night.) Roast beef, roast chicken, fried sausages, stew, casserole, tripe (which McGonagall ironically offers Trelawney in PA), pork chops, shepherd`s pie, steak, Cornish pasties, lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, steak and kidney pudding, steak and kidney pie, black pudding, sandwiches (chicken and ham, for Harry and Ron in CS bread, marshmallows and crumpets (Harry and Ron roast them over the Common room fire during the Christmas holidays in PS/SS), baked pumpkin, roast potatoes, jacket potatoes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, chips, Yorkshire Pudding, peas, sprouts, carrots, gravy, ketchup, custard tart, Mint Humbugs, ice cream, apple pies, treacle tart, Spotted Dick, chocolate éclairs, chocolate gateau, jam doughnuts, Trifle, strawberries, jelly, and rice pudding.
  8. Apple and longan meat, doping in red wine, accompanied by baked cheese cake, familiar, but never mind.
  9. Fried chicken, meatloaf, baked potato, corn, baked beans and apple pie would be considered traditional American dishes.

baked apple

un. 烤苹果
[网络] 苹果派;焗苹果;松烤苹果
baked apple